You could cry a river, woman

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After a lot of earful from Rose we were all at dining table. Even drake arrived with my favorite ice cream. God he is super sweet. So now we had two different deserts for crying out loud. Brownie's and ice creams. The two dying for deserts. I jumped over Drake let alone balance, he is smart. Okay so when I tag along with grown up I never really did. I and Drake have that finest thread of relationship to say. Being small I have the shield cover of big brother but you know what we just grew in appearance and not heads. He is still my bro and am still and an ice cream lover. I am still whiny and I am still small. It is surely a topic to laugh.

We ate, we laughed,we rejoiced. It wasn't a formal meeting with parents where you get to meet them and be nervous. Here the case was all opposite. Daniel and Rose knew a whole lot of things about me and all the embarrassing stories that courtesy is Drake's so now you know how must I have thanked the little prick.

"So when are you marrying!?" Nat that little idiot can know how to choke others. Chris coughed, my eyes widened, Daniel and Rosy smirked and others just laughed.

"Gosh that was amazing." Ruvika barked through laughter.

"I wouldn't dare to disagree." Daniel spoke and rest nodded except for Jess she was busy with food.

"Can you all leave us with no embarrassment?" I narrowed my eyes at Nat and huffed whilst she just made an attempt to ignore and of course she succeeded.

Slowly and steadily everybody disappeared as in no not totally getting vanished I mean got busy with not paying attention. I see a pair of small legs running behind me. We were playing the usual catch game but than something happened. I am being kidnapped.

Wait what? Kidnap? Why? Oh my god Lol I seriously need consultancy. I can't shout can't I.

"Ccchhhhhhrrrriiiiissssssss" I shout and yell and kick but than a fragnance hit me! He can't be Chris can he be!? God why will he kidnap me? Like its not that he will gain something from this dirty act of his. Wait he ain't that shallow. Can he be?

Geez woman trust withholds love do not doubt. Turn around and see whose that?

Wow I don't need help and here it goes I heard a chuckle. Familiar much

God..... He is Chris I know. He is fan-freaking-tastic (sarcasm alert) and arrogant, jerk faced person.

"God you think too much nerd!" He chuckled.

I am so sure this is so Chris. I mean what the f*** right!?

"Why are you kidnapping me?" I arrogantly demanded. He never answered and I dunk my head a bit when he put his hands around my waist to get me down. His palms came in contact with my bare back. I wore a black dress which had a low back cut. Gifted obviously. I know its pretty but at this very moment I, Kiara Parker regretted. Regretted wearing this why? Because this dress was like a white knee length dress that had a locked neck line from front and had a backless but not really of backless bare back. The two sides of the back was sealed with two bows one on mid back and one rested on my waist line. It was gorgeous gift from the same guy who kidnapped me.... (Note the sarcasm)

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