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A yellow rose with red tips symbolizes friends falling into love. I smiled and he gave me the rose. That was an awe moment.

I wanted to scream, laugh, dance with everyone. My heart accelerated inside me so much that it could have been felt very easily.
So easily that he chuckled at my jaw dropping position. Funny isn't it?

"Before you say what you feel turn around you've a biggest surprise over there!" He pointed behind me and don't need to ask why because he won't tell so being as I'm I turned around and my eyes literally bulged out of my eye sockets as I see my parents with a little look of fear, guilt and regret on their faces. Sure I missed them but I was the one who left out. Occasionally they would either talk to Drake and Ruvika but I wasn't included. I wasn't ever told but I know where some gifts at home came from. Of course Ru had their reasons of not telling me but that doesn't even fill up spaces.

Despite the scene where Ruvika hugged them and they didn't see that I was looking in their direction I turned back.



When I told her about surprises her eyes widened and excitment reached her eyes but as soon as she turned around to see her surprise a wave or I could say a tsunami of emotions swirled around her. I saw her expressions go from curiosity to eagerness, from eagerness to shock, from shock to pain, from pain to soft heart smile, from smile to sadness, from sadness to hardened face and clenching jaws, and from hard to blank and than she turned. She turned with a painful look and a blank stare.

We started each other just like in some movies trying to connect through telepathy. I don't know what is her answer going to be but I know to be confident enough for her to say yes.

She just kept staring me blankly whilst I tried finding my answers through her eyes. They are magnificent, spectacular, resplendent..... They hold stories, they hold memories...
They are flashback, they are memories and than they are flawlessly outstanding in crowd.

"I... I....uhhhm....." She stammered but than she did something worth liking.. She tip toed and kissed me. She sealed our marriage proposal with seal kiss. I picked her up and go round and round putting her in air and chuckling to her reaction. Never in my wildest dream I ever thought of marrying somebody after Mel... Its just having an imperfect person with perfect soul of life......

Its said its highly impossible to get perfect soulmate but I say its possible to find someone who is incapable of keeping you happy despite of all the ups and downs we are certain that certain someone will come and make it alright and we will have fairytale end but the truth is we don't get them we have to make them. Out of all the population in this world there is no one who is left alone. It's easy to pretend not to care about not having anybody by your side but it's indeed hard to suffer.

One by one every body comes and congratulate us. Jessica runs up to Kiara and hug her whilst we come down to her height....

"Mommy's wedding!" And it made us realised nobody other than Jess was more happy. She is the most happiest one...

"Congratulations." Ruvika hugged her and Drake ruffled her hair while giving earful to me

"Do not I repeat do not let my baby shed a tear otherwise I'll leave all wild dogs to your scrapes lying on the road!" I chuckled but nodded in all admiration to myself than to him...
I'm sure I look all smitten but i wouldn't accept.

Than came Steven. Am sure he has to give his sarcastic come back. I am sure that he can't be alive without giving his stupid shitty replies to me. To my utter surprise he kissed her forehead and a pang of jealousy touched me.

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