Long Night

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Well, no what you think is wrong. I did not spill I was blackmailed but interrupted by my very own brother. Lords of Olympus I'm once in a long time so proud about his bad timing and honored about being his sister. Lord bless.

*phew* I know over exaggeration.

"Hey ladies" Drake hugged us at the same time.

"D couldn't you come up a bit later? For once I'm not so happy about your time." Ru literally sneered and contemplated on her words.

"What's up Ruvika?" Its long time duh Ru being called Ruvika but she scrunched her face nonetheless.

"Duhhh... ask her!" Her fingers pointed out me and she sighed.

"Spill the beans sis!" Taken aback I speak oh no *scratch that*  I narrate and I expected them to get serious about the things but no I'm the only one matured here, my older brother and my best friend ain't so smart. She laughed their asses out on the tragedy my life playing with me. C'mon that's not really fair.

"What is so funny here?" I asked exasperated and trust me I'm having a bad temper.

"Okay so you mean! Chris Murray. The Chris Murray is your boss?" Now it was all seriousness in Drake's voice.

Fidgeting with my small figure and staring the tiny frame on the couch I nodded, "Yes" .

"Does he know about all the things he put you through and the dilemma he put you back in university?" Ru shook her head in disapproval as I stared my hands in my lap.

"Duhh... Ruvika I just now got to know he is my boss and you expect me to tell this all? Maybe he is also married or something?"

The loud knock broke our silence as I headed towards the door. I see a familiar tall frame with black suit and blue tie that matched his blue eyes. For first time I intake him in my eyes and resemble all the jigsaw pieces in the puzzle. Blue eyes, heavy voice that puts you in trance. Obviously too soothing and brown waves matches exactly to Jessica. There are so much of similarities.

He cleared his throat and reality pings me right in the heart.

"Umm.." I closely look and realize he is wet .probably its raining and whatever. I let him inside and offer water.

"So Ms Parker, I've a meeting scheduled in Kansas and I would want you to accompany me there." As the words left his mouth and made it to my ears I was bothered about Jess.

"Mommy..." Jess ran over to my side, "I'll also come with you." Puppy dog faces and blackmail is always accompanied you know?

"Umm Ms Parker she is your daughter?" He asked in an amused tone but I don't blame him. There came my lifelines, Drake and dear Ru.

"Hello, Chris Murray! Nice to meet you!" They both awkwardly shook hands and stayed aside.

"Well, Ms Parker you can get ? sorry what's her name?" He looked at the small girl who smiled wide.

"Hello, I'm Jessica Parker." She turned to me

"Mommy look, this uncle and I share same shade of eye colour and hair!" My jaw I guess it touched the floor.

Okay I know that was too much but Jess just dropped the bomb.

"Hey super girl? You'll come with me?" I did not understand what to do so I just smiled awkwardly there but trust me this girl should have mouth filter but who am I kidding she is just 4.

I sigh inwardly.

"Ms Parker, the meeting is on Friday! I believe she can come. it'll be fun. My driver would come to pick you up at 6 am sharp! Just pack one pair and I believe we would be back on Saturday evening. Thanks I might as well take your leave. See you in office tomorrow. Sorry for disturbing at this odd hour." He bid goodbye and both of them stared at me as if I grew two heads.

"What??" Ru took Jess for bed and came back. "This is the guy and he is Jess's father?"

"Dude? why are you working?" The questions were continued.

"Kia.... look we know you are scared to tell him all the truth but he deserves to know he has a baby with you! Look at that kid, why she has to suffer with no father? Sure you're amazing kia but she deserves to have a father." They looked at me expectedly and honestly I have no idea.

This is a long night and by this I really mean it. The dragging of this night ain't so pleasant. Not even a bit. The urge to slap senses in Chris although he is oblivious doesn't count. Only if he was not the claimed "bad boy" only if I could tell, only if I could give my daughter a father.


Hie honey bunches..

Short chapter I know you'll cope up! Vote comment please *puppy dog face*

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