Meet the CEO.

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      "Hey there!" I was back in my senses in next two minutes but I found myself in Chris's arm. I abruptly stood up and apologized for the inconvenience . I could feel his eyes shift on me and honestly like the smile he had anyone could melt there in his arms. He was 6' fair complexion and well built, honestly his features could melt the heart of stones.

"So now when all are here, I would like to make an announcement!" My boss said in a alarming tone that drew me out of my trance. He then pointed out to Chris. Well people in the office were equally wondering like me!

"This is Chris. Chris Murray! And I'm utmost happy to hand him over the company as I travel back to My hometown. My son is my trusted asset and he is going to take care of the company well. And now Chris this is Kiara Parker my Ex PA and now your PA." He points out to me and Chris comes out for a handshake a little formal one but a firm handshake.
I shook hands with my new boss basically and the crowd applauded for the new boss. From the way he stood I could say he was turning red by so much of appreciation but the trust Daniel showed in him will make him the best!


Thanks to the Lords of Olympus the morning scene flushed out real quick and normalcy was in air. We had a special café and it was lunch break so that means having coffee out there. I move to 11th floor from 8th floor through the elevator. Rock café, well exactly I don't know why it has that name but that's okay though. I enter and find Austin smiling holding back the door with a grin.

"Hey kia!" He smiled brightly


"So your regular?"

"Yes!" I smiled back "Add walnut cookies too!"

"Yes ma'am!" He grinned

"Hey, you don't get to call me ma'am!" I faked scowl and he smiled, a genuine one.

"Okay okay!" He put his hands in air and pretended to surrender and hands me my coffee. I exited the café only to dash into Chris.

"Oww shoot!" It escaped my lips but that was egregious. I looked at the hand that offered me to stand up only after I rubbed my head. That hand pulled my weight was none other than Chris's hand and *splash* reality checks in, he is my boss and not the intended bad boy of that university.

    His touch sends electricity wildly running down my spine. For a point of time I appear spineless cause his touch made me immensely weak. I covered the storm in my eyes as he asked me for any scrapes and scratches and I gave him a tight smile assuring things are okay and I'm good.  The thing that happened good was my coffee wasn't spilled over my clothes. I dropped my cup in the café and left for my lunch. I grabbed a sandwich and sat back in my cabin. Yes, my Ex boss did gave me a cabin right across his own so that I'm right there whenever he needs my help, of course that was my Ex boss, besides professional relationship he treated me as my daughter and helped evenly until me and my brother decided to stay together.


*ring* *ring*

"Hello! Yes sir how should I help you?"

"Ms Ummm, Ms Parker I'd like to see you in my office in 5 minutes!"

"Right away sir!" I checked myself in mirror, straightened my outfit and clutched my notepad and walked straight to his office.

"Yes, Megs. I'll be there on time. Ok. Ok. I'll see you in a while." He saw me and quickly hung up.

"Yeah so Ms. Parker. We have a meeting with European clients about the deal so I would like you to assist me!"

"Okay sir!" My breath loosing it's rhythm as I notice each part of his face!

"Good, now you can go!" He turned around and I saw his retreating figure as I took his leave there.

"Hey?" He called back.

"Yes sir?" I was a little surprised by his voice.

"Can you please get me a cappuccino? My head hurts!" He indeed asked me instead of ordering me.

"Sure sir." I rushed to the café on 11th floor and took his order back.

"Thanks Ms Parker."

"Welcome Mr Murray, that's my job." I smile at him tightly.


The ride back to Jess's kindergarten was 3 minutes cause I choosed it to be close to ny office place. I reached exactly in time when I saw her happily jumping out to where I was.

"Hiya mommy!" She jumped into my arms.

"Hey boo! How was your day?" I piggy backed her.

"Mom that was pretty awesome we drew, we danced, we studied, we played." She was doing all those happy actions that made her all cute as we drove back to home.

"That is so good! Did you enjoy Jess?"

"Yes I did!" Happiness evident in her voice.

 Honestly there's no good phase as the childhood. It's your copyright for your whole life. No matter what there is nothing as precious as childhood as a gift you'll ever receive and that's why it is as good as receiving Christmas presents because innocence is bliss.

Good morning people.


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