Using brains

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"All good?" Her meek voice drew my attention

"Um... Er..." I sighed not sure if what to say at the moment.

"Sorry the question came out of blue. I'm not supposed to ask, it's your personal space. Besides thanks for today. Jessica haven't had fun in a long time. She is surely enjoying." She point out to Jess who stuck her tongue out and that was sure as hell adorable. C'mon she is the most sweetest kid I have ever seen. Bubbly. Jolly. Cuteness overloaded.

Then I thought it would be good to hang up on past let it go and talk to someone. I told her each and everything I had. The minute details of what I've been through. Every details of Ethan and Melissa that pierced my heart. As if I'm stabbed with knife all over again. The pain of broken heart was way more than her soothing eyes that calmed me down. Her hand all the while drew soothing patterns on my hand. All the while I relived the lies of conniving bitch who never thought of the love that got invested after her. After I let it all I was relieved. As if the weight have been lifted. All the emotions came flicking out. My eyes were focused down so I could blink away the damn tears and honestly I wouldn't want to cry for heaven's sake. Its been 8 months and here I'm with every day a pit of rage increasing in me for them. But that's another story I wouldn't want to sneak behind them if they're happy. So I came here for a change and guess what? I love the change. I love the way I can see happiness all around!

Well, Steven's coming here and that's what I wanted from long. So we would live together and get over the odds. He has been my mate every since we got out for first detention. He is the gem and my best buddy. He is something more than just being a clown. He is super sweet and cute!

Wait did I say cute? I just sound like gay!


"Hey Steven how you doing man?" I smiled genuinely

"Making myself home obvious." He grinned like he got the best gift on Christmas.

"Meet her, my PA" I pointed out to her leaving an amused expression on his face and than he turned around. As soon as he turned biggest shock took over him.

"Kiaraaaaa" he squealed like a teen girl, trust me that was enough to tear my ear drums apart but that's not what amused me, the question my sub conscious asked was how do they know each other but before I could analyse my mouth spoke it loud. Well knowing Steven he wouldn't answer so as expected he told me to wait and it will unfold in front of us. Wow that's one hell of a friend and one hell of an answer. I sigh in exasperation.

Muttering curses under breath I glared him while he hugged the hell out of her. Well what's wrong with me? Why am I so bothered.

Oh you be so dumb.

Oh I'm still your part.

Okay shut up. This little spat with myself buzzed me.

Trust me I'm short  tempered. He offered her to drop her home which she gladly took. Man, her house is only 10 minutes drive and its almost 10

Why are you so tempted? They're friends and they can talk. Not everything revolves around you Mr. Murray. She has her life and Jessica, don't bug her.

Voice I don't need your suggestion so shut the hell up.

"Well talking to yourself again?" He mocked my posture.

"Huh?" I stared him

"Duhh what's got into you?" I was eventually taken aback cause yes his words made sense. Why should I care if he has his own personal bubble which includes kiara but that doesn't matter or does it. Woah these marathon of questions made me sick to stomach and I growled.

The botheration kept bugging my mind and I couldn't sleep. Thank god for it's Sunday or I would have been a zombie for the day. Sleep never took over my senses and I stared out of window like a nocturnal animal. Who knows what's wrong with my silly brain cells. Psst... So uncontrollable. That's annoying I must tell.

A small smile made its way on my face knowing it was because I was thinking about Kiara. She is something. She definitely is. Her grey eyes were shouting for attention, it is as if she has been longing for a while now. The close proximities send her uncomfortable vibes. She gets happiness in smallest of things unlike others who would have massive junk of bank balance. She is still naive yet a mother.

Jessica is a complete replicate of her mother except for we share some similarities. That somehow made me think like a maniac how is that we share almost all the features include the dimple that dig her cheek that's just unbelievable.

Now can you believe if you meet someone stranger and her kid replicate most of you! Strange isn't it? I mean you can relate I feel something is missing!

At the end we just get addicted to some things which take away our pain. That's how its supposed to be and well, I like their sight and that's what feels wonderful to my heart. We are all afraid of something at one point of time and that's not really taken care of. We are afraid of changes, of falling in love, of being alone, of being broken and many more. To deal is the key and that's what am lacking. I don't eventually believe the girl I loved for 3years she sneaked out behind my back just because she found my buddy more interesting how cheap. And than I saw Kiara. Looking her at that instant I felt the connection we had but I'm still hopeless for the clue.

"Hey you're awake?" Steven's voice cleared my brain and thanks to the heavens because I really needed it

"Yeah!" I gave him a tight smile.

"So coffee in café or drive in car?" He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Both! Let's head out." I took my car keys and jogged down.

It was quarter to two and we were roaming. We drove three streets long to buzz café that's was open till half past 3 which was why we drove so long but to my utter surprise I found out Kiara Parker and Ruvika or what so ever her name is. But before I could even try processing it guess what happened?.....


Cliffhanger seems like it?

well hello to you too lovelies...

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