Coffee meet

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Before I could even respond Steven was all over their table making them smile incredulously. Hey that's bad. I should be there too.

"Well, hello there ladies. Mind if I and my friend join?" He asked almost flirtatiously which I ignored but it infuriated a part of me and I'm clueless of why???

Cause you are attracted.

Shut up voice.

"Hey Steven." Both of them stood up.

"Oh my my seems like Ruvika is having a baby which is dying to come out." His grin grew wide. And a tinge of rage hit me hard. What is it? How does he know them? What is the chain between us? How is my mind missing something out there? Since I was snapped out of my daze by the loud laughter I decided to not stand there and make a fool out of myself and go to the table. Trust me I walked really fast.

"More like Ruvika Parker turning into baby!" Kiara spoke in between her laughter fits. She looked really tired but somehow she managed to accompany her sister more like her best friend.

"So Steven how have you been?" Ru asked and drew my attention back from Kiara. Shit. Shit. Shit. Get a hold you nut head. I scolded myself mentally.

I reluctantly walked towards them and unintentionally sat beside Kiara. Well it doesn't look like a good idea. Or wait is it good? Her intense gaze bore into mine for no reason or maybe I felt like it

"I was just wishing to have coffee and since Chris was also not sleeping we came here. The only open café!" He smirked looking at me annoyed face.

"Well have you both ordered?" I asked with utmost decency shoving my anger off the window.

"Well no!" Ru answered.

So I ordered their coffees which was the best deal to be away from Kiara.

"Hi Mr. Murray! Thanks but I would like to pay for our coffee!" She said with a smile a tight one gesturing towards Ruvika.

"Oh no Ms. Parker it's all good!" I assured her and she smiled. Well I'm falling for something's that's new and really very fast. I told you I'm missing some link here and that's for sure the reason I feel I've known her for long. And there it goes, my brain loves thinking about her as if she is the only girl left.

Maybe you're attracted to her.

oh shut up, I'm not.

Yes you are.



Ok get lost. I groaned internally as I couldn't get hold of myself so I decided drinking coffee without any blabber is the best thing so I let other three speak up and I was in good in silence. Observing them made me understood that Steven was as always being stupid clown, Kiara was fragile that cared about everyone specially her family and Ruvika was getting kiddish and of course she craves too much. It was so obvious you would understand. Coffee and than Ice cream that was kind of weird but we all laughed at Ruvika's behavior but she was adorable at the same time. I wonder where Drake is because why else she would come with Kiara here...?? Now again how does that matter. I told you I'm getting insane here and all Steven do is laugh his ass out.

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