Tagging games

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Like you I have 0% idea about it...
So I'll answer hehehe :-∆


Let's start than SpeedoReader

1. What is your wildest fantasy?

Ans: omg.... Shusshhh that's a secret.. But you be you am very innocent mad.. No wildest dreams *winks* *winks*

2. If you'd be granted a wish, what would you ask for?
Ans: all my wishes of my friends to be true...

3. Favourite color?
Ans: purple *fairylove is too old

4. What's your zodiac sign?
Ans: Leo (lion)

5. Fictional crush?
Ans: Chris from my book.

6. Who's your favourite character in Harry Potter series (apart from Harry) and why?
Ans: sorry I ain't in Harry Porter series. I don't basically love them.

7. Favourite author?
Ans: for wattpad its you, my best friend, akriti, and my wattpad group frnds

8. Milk/dark/white chocolate?
Ans: milk

9. Why are you on Wattpad?
Ans: because my best friend basically dragged me here

10. What do you think about me? (shower me praises!)
Ans: what do I say... No phrases could rephrase you! Be unique

Sorry no tagging have fun

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