chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning still a bit tired from my week at uni but it was nothing that would stop me from going to Sony with Marcus and the band today. I had to admit I was pretty excited to see what kinds of things happened behind closed doors. I checked my phone for the time before I got up and realized I had a message from Reece.

Hey Sweetheart, I hear you are coming to Sony with us today. Can’t wait to see you ;) xxx

What a shmuck.

Yea man, I’ll be there. I guess seeing your ugly mug wouldn’t be so bad either. Xxx

I put my phone back onto the nightstand and went into the kitchen. It was just after 11am and they had a meeting at 12pm. From what Marcus told me on the way home last night, it’s only like a 10-minute walk. I decided that even though he was a male, he did like to spend copious amounts of time getting his hair perfect so I went and woke him up. He didn’t really like being woken up but that was too damn bad. I made sure he was out of bed when I left the room because I know how easily he falls back to sleep. I smiled when I heard the shower running, that means we would actually be able to maybe get there in time. I made us some bacon and eggs and they were ready just as Marcus came out of the bathroom. He scrubbed up pretty well, so I guessed this meeting must have been important. We scoffed down our food and I had to quickly run into my room to get ready. I decided that since Marcus scrubbed up well, I probably should too but not so much that I looked like I worked there. I did my hair and make up and walked out to the lounge room where Marcus was waiting for me.

“You do realize we are just going to Sony right? Why would you be wearing 6 inch heels to Sony?” Marcus asked. When he was a girl who was a fashion student then he can comment on my outfit attire.

“Marcus, I am not only a female but I also study fashion. Shut up and lets go before you’re late for you oh-so-important meeting with your alpha males” I said back.

We quickly walked to Sony, which was literally like in some back ass alley of Sydney. Why the hell would such a big record label choose to have their head quarters here? I felt like I was going to have my bag ripped from me. I pulled it closer and walked with Marcus upto the door. They buzzed us in and we headed up the stairs to where the meeting room was. He lead me to a room marked 4B, in it was a big round table (I felt like I was in bloody Camelot) and some douche bags sitting in the seats around it. Sitting there was Dave and Reece. Marcus went straight over and sat next to Dave. As I was standing there awkwardly, Reece spoke up.

“You can come sit here. I don’t bite” he said. I went over and sat next to him. As soon as I was comfortable in the seat, he leaned over and whispered, “Well, I don’t bite hard.” I shivered as he leant back and gave me a wink. Mahalia and Ben walked in and sat next to me. They had been in here with us for literally 10 seconds when some stuffy old dudes in suits walked in with their folders and iPhones. They sat down and each one of them made their chairs squeak, probably from the extra fries in their Maccas meals….

“So” one of them began, “we are quite pleased with how everything has been going so far. We have been focusing on promoting you in Sydney mainly Reece, but we have decided that you need to go home and do a show” he said. Reece’s face light up like a little kid on Christmas.

“I get to go home?” he exclaimed.

“Yes” the suited dude said.

“To England!? No way!” he yelled. We all giggled at the joke he was missing.

“Um Reece?” I began. He looked at me with twinkles in his eyes, “they meant Adelaide you idiot.” His face instantly soured but perked up again when he realized he would see his family and friends.

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