chapter 25

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The driver let us off at the hotel and we got into the elevator to our room. Silence was still there and all that I could hear was the stupid fucking elevator music. We finally got up to our floor and walked to our room. Reece opened the door and I shut it behind me. He started walking off but I started speaking. 

“Reece?” I said. He stopped mid step and turned to face me. “What’s going on?” 

He didn’t say anything so I asked again. “Reece, what is going on?” He let out a sigh and sat on the lounge. 

“Look, Taylor” he began. Ahhh fuck. 

“I knew this was going to happen. Don’t worry about it Reece. We fly back tomorrow and then you won’t have to worry any more” I said. Shock and confusion came across his face. 

“Wait, what? What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked with an edge in his voice. 

“You are going to tell me that the kisses changed everything and when you guys went out on your big drive for the video you guys ‘connected’ or some bullshit like that. Don’t worry, she’s amazing so I don’t blame you at all. Go to your dinner and I’ll stay here” I said and started for the bathroom where I could step in the shower and cry without him hearing. 

He spoke up then. “Stop” I stopped. “Turn” I turned. “Walk here” I walked there. “Sit” I sat. I felt weak anyway so I was glad I was sitting down otherwise I might have fallen over. 

“You actually think that I want to be with her over you?” he asked in disbelief. I nodded unable to speak. “Oh my fucking god. Did you not hear me back in the tent today? I told you I fucking loved you. That is not something I say to just anyone.”

“That’s not true” I said in a small voice. 

“What do you mean?” he asked

“You say ‘I love you’ to your fans all the time. What makes me different?” I had a solid argument…at least I thought I did. 

“For fucks sake, what do you expect me to say? ‘Aww thanks hunny, I don’t love you too but yay’? Taylor, they are my fans and I do love them to degree. They got me here and I love them for that. But that love, the love that I feel for them, that is no where near the same kind of love I feel for you” he turned slightly and I turned my body by my shoulders to face him. He pulled my hands in his and looked at me. “Look Taylor, I honestly don’t know what else there is that I can say to you. I have CHOSEN to be with you, not out of pity or anything else like that, but because I like the way I am with you. Yes you are one of the biggest pain in the asses that I know with all your smartassiness and sexiness, which I might add I don’t mind all that much except for when you tease me which you do often” a small smile crept over my face, “But you know me and I know you. You don’t know me for being ‘Reece Mastin, X-Factor winner of 2011’, you know me for being ‘Reece Mastin, boy’. You didn’t know who I was when we first met and that is proof to me that you like me for me. Ok?” he finished his monologue and took an unsteady breathe in. He looked at me and I couldn’t help but put my hand on his cheek. He leant into it but kept his eyes on mine. 

“I am an idiot aren’t I?” he nodded and smiled. “Bu so are you” 

“Why?” he asked me. 

“Well for starters, you still haven’t told me what the fuck all the silence in the car was about. That was weird you moron. So I expect an explanation for that one” he bit his lip. Don’t fucking do that dude, that does things to me…fuck. I took a deep breathe. “And also, I don’t ‘like’ you” his breathing hitched and I leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “I love you” and pulled back. I was met with a smiling Reece. He leant forward and started kissing me, it started sweet but started to get heated very quickly. I pulled back. 

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