chapter 36

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How bloody rude! I was standing over to the side organizing some of the clothes that they were wearing…I had also just found out that they would be wearing lab coats for the video but they still wanted me to get them clothes! What the fuck!??! No one will even see the clothes! What a massive time waster! Ugh, I wish Reece were here so I could talk to him. I haven’t spoken to him today and he was like my drug…I needed to talk to him so that I could function.

“Hey” I heard. I stopped my internal bantering and turned to see one of the boys standing behind me.

“Hi” I said back and turned back to the clothes I was sorting through.

“I really am sorry about before. That was rude of us” he said.

“Yes it was” I said. He stood there awkwardly behind me and didn’t say anything. “You know, knowing your name would probably help. You all kind of look the same to me so I can’t tell you apart” I said. He went bright red…oops, I embarrassed him.

“I’m Daniel, but call me Skip”

“Why?” he shrugged. Eh whatever, I wasn’t in the mood. “Alright, hi Skip” I said. He offered me his hand and after questioning it for a moment, I grabbed it and shook it.

“Hi, Taylor” I said.

“Yea I remember” and we stood there chatting for a few minutes before he was called over to the set where the other boys were standing.

The director stood there talking them through what they were going to be doing a bit more in detail than what they already knew and then they suddenly turned towards me. They looked back to the director and after a few moments, they came towards me.

“We were told to come over and get our clothes?” one of them that wasn’t Skip said.

“Sure, tell me what your name is and I’ll give you your clothes” I said.

“You don’t know who is who?” one of them asked surprised.

“Nope, sorry” I said.

“Can you really blame her? We all look the same, I can’t tell us apart half the time” Skip said. He smiled at me and I returned the smile, grateful for his defence of me.

“Alright, what are your names?” 

“James” one of them said. I gave him his clothes.




I gave them all their clothes. “And Daniel” I said as I gave him his clothes. I showed them where they can change.

“You sure you don’t want to watch?” Skip asked.

“As much as I would love too, I don’t think my boyfriend would approve” I said with a slight wink and pushed him gently into the change room.

The whole day I stood there fixing their clothes between shots, eating the food on the table, looking on my phone in case Reece sent me a tweet or something, getting flirty looks from ‘Skip’ and listening to the same damn song over and over and over again. I’m used to hearing Reece’s songs a billion times, but I loved his voice and his music. These guys just didn’t have the same effect on me.

Day one finished and the boys got changed to give me their clothes which they would need for tomorrow again. They all said goodbye to me and I was surprised to get a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Skip.

“See you tomorrow” he said. With that they were gone. Did he miss the part where I said I had a boyfriend? I folded the clothes and made my way out of the studio. I had just gotten home when my phone started ringing. My heart skipped a billion beats at the thought that it might be Reece. I missed my imbecile. But no, it was a blocked number? I answered it.

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