chapter 13

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Reece POV

I felt really bad for the way that my fans treated Taylor. I could tell she was upset even though she put on a brave face but it still hurt her. We had just got back to mine after food shopping and the amount of shit she made my buy…I was trying to be healthy and having her sit there eating chocolate is making me want…well both more and more.

“Can you pleaaase pass me a coke?” she asked biting her lip and smiling cutely. Oh it took all my power not to go and kiss her right then and there.  

“Hahaha nice try! Get it yourself!” I said biting into my apple. An apple over chocolate, what kind of teenager was I?  

She dropped her lower lip “You’re mean! Anyway I better head off before Marcus gets suspicious!” she said getting her phone out.

“Oh he left a message saying he is going out tonight, keen to come over? We can watch movies and order pizza.” I seriously wonder where all this food goes. She has the most amazing body but she eats like a fucking horse! 

“Yeah sounds good! Well its already 4” I said checking the clock on the microwave. “What time should I come over?” I asked with my mouth full of chewed up apple.

“Hmm well, give me like an hour or so? I have to shower… I didn’t get very clean in my one this morning” she said getting up and winking at me. “So I’ll see you later on then, yeah?” she asked picking up her bag. Man she was so fine, I’m going to be honest I loved seeing her wearing my top…and not wearing my top, if you know what I mean… 

“Yeaap don’t miss me too much sweetheart” I said winking at her. 

She just laughed and said “Yeaah you don’t have to worry about that buddy!” I laughed at her reply but I was stumped as to whether we were going to be getting kinky tonight or just chilling. 

“Ahh so… is there going to be any… ahhh…you know… physical activities tonight or are we just watching movies?” I asked just getting strait to the point. 

“If you play your cards right you might get lucky… you never know” she said with a smirk on her face, she came over and kissed me on the cheek. 

“See ya later skater” and with that she was gone. I couldn’t help but think that those girls were right…we do act like a couple, but if I’m being honest, I liked it…a lot and I wasn’t objecting to it what so ever.

Taylor POV 

I got home and went straight to my room wanting to shower instantly. I took Reece’s top of regretfully because it smelt like him…and damn that smell was amazing. I may have had a few sniffs before I parted with it and made my way to the shower. I was freezing cold so I stood there for about 20 minutes before I finally decided it was time to wash my hair and shave all the necessary places. Once I was done, I hopped into some comfy clothes but made sure I looked cute for when Reece came over. let my hair dry naturally and applied a thin layer on makeup. I got all of our movies and put them on the side table next to the couch, sat down and flicked through the stations before deciding on watching scrubs. I was enjoying my show when Marcus came in and sat down next to me. 

“Hey cuz! Long time no see” he said ruffling my hair. I fixed it up after it had been pretty much flopped upside down. 

“I know! How was your night out?” I asked continuing to make my hair look presentable. 

“Yeaah it was sick! How was your movie date with Reecey poo?” he asked and then continued to make kissy noises at me. Right, how old was he meant to be again? 

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