Chapter 3

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Peeta POV

"Katniss Everdeen. You are the love of my life. You are my rock, the only person who kept me somewhat sane during these last couple years. You are the most beautiful, kind, smart, lovable person I have ever met. You have been my whole entire world know. But above it all, I love you.

When ever you leave I miss you. I miss your smile, your laugh, your voice, everything. So here's my question." I go down on one knee and open the box. "Will you marry me?" Her eyes look right into my eyes, and as soon as I pull out the box her eyes light up.

She is silent for a second, trying to find the right words.

"Yes." She says quietly.


"Yes, I will marry you."

"Really?!?" I say in disbelief.

"Yes. Now shut up and kiss me before I change my mind." She says jokingly.

I pull her into a long kiss and slide the ring on her finger.

Its a silver band with a tiny silver mockingjay, and two 6 carat diamonds around it. She loves it.

"Ow! I think there is something on the inside of my ring."

"There is. There is a little extra heart sticking out of the inside of it. If you wear it long enough, the heart will stay there forever." I say. I can tell she is in love with the ring, and me.

"I love you, Peeta."

"I love you too." We both lean in to kiss again, but theres a knock at the door.

"Ill get it!" I say. I run to open the door to find a surprisingly sober Haymitch with a woman behind him, wearing the most ridiculous outfit Ive ever seen. It must be Effie.

"Hey Peeta. Did you ask her yet?" He says.

"She said yes!" I say.

"Who's there?" Katniss says. She walks over to me and puts her chin on my left shoulder. "Oh. Haymitch, what a surprise." She says suspiciously. I can tell she knows something. "Hi Effie."

"Hello Katniss, Peeta. She says a little too coldly. "Well, I am happy for you, but I know this is wrong. You both are too young to get married!"

In return, Katniss says,"Effie, I don't care what you say. Peeta and I are getting married. We love each other, thats all that matters. Besides, we are 20 years old. I think we're old enough."

Effie says nothing, and walks back to Haymitch's house. I am a little surprised by Katniss' comeback. I didn't realize she loved me this much.

"Look what you did genius! Now shes upset! I gotta go." He points a finger at Katniss while I glare at him. "Keep your act together, both of you!"

"Why was Haymitch here? Did you set this up behind my back?"

"Katniss, Im not gonna lie to you. Yes we set it up. But the proposing thing was my idea. I did it because I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I cant believe it. Actually I can. We both know he likes you more than me!" And with that, she storms off, out of the house.

Katniss POV

I cant believe those two. I run out of the house. Tears streaming down my face. I run to the only place close enough. My old home on the Victors' Village. As soon as I get inside, I run up to my room, grab a duffle bag, and fill it with clothes. I am running away. I don't know exactly where, but I am. I run off to the bakery, fill another bag with cookies and cheese buns, and head out. Next thing is to leave. For as long as I can without anyone finding me. The house in the woods, the one by the lake. The house my father and I shared while we were hunting. I run to the meadow to cry, like I always do. I stay here for what seems like an hour. Now all I have to do is flee. Under the fence. Thats all thats stopping me from leaving this place. This place filled with many bad memories. I do. I am under the fence before I know it. Im almost to the house when I hear him calling my name.

"Katniss! Katniss where are you?!?"

I don't stop running. I have to keep going before he hurts me again. I hear Peeta's loud footsteps bounding after me.

He finally reaches me. Why? Why is he doing this?

"Katniss, what are you doing out here? Why'd you run away? You cant just leave."

"Actually, I can. You don't own me."

"I know that. Tell me why." I burst into tears.

"Because, I thought you didn't love me enough to set it all up on your own."

"But I do. You know this." A smile forms on his face. "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too." He leans in and kisses me gently, as if he doesnt want anything to happen to me. Like I'm the sun, millions of years from now, dying out.

We go home. We fall asleep on each others arms. I feel safe now. Everything is perfect. Like its supposed to be. Now all we have to do is not fall apart before the wedding.

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