Chapter 22

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*****This chapter will be a long one!!!*****

Macie POV

We stand on the pedestals, ready to begin.


The clock counts down.


I look over to Ewan.


He looks at me.


He mouths, "Good luck."


I mouth back, "You too."


The other tributes look intense.


I plan on joining the careers after the bloodbath.


Gotta take out the lower-rated districts.


Grab a bow and arrows and knives.


This is it.

BANG!!!!!! The gong sounds. The tributes race of the pedestals to the cornucopia. The girl from 6, Luella, and the girl from 3, Gilda, are already combating. Hand-to-hand. I'm staying clear of anyone fighting already. I suck at hand-to-hand combat. I sprint down to the cornucopia. I score a bow, a dozen arrows, and three throwing knives. I see Ewan got a sword and knives. I run to the edge of the forest and call him over. He runs to the edge with me and we make up an escape plan.

"We have to stick together." He says.

"I agree. We have to watch each others backs. Its important we both get out alive, like Katniss and Peeta. Lets try to find the rest of the Careers, form an alliance, and when we are down to a few of them left, kill them in their sleep."

"Wow. You actually thought this through."

"Yup. I didn't sleep a wink last night. Too focused on battle strategies." *yawn* "But I'll be ok. Come on, I see the girl from 1 over there." I point to the edge of the forest about 20 feet away from us. "And both from 2 are over there." I point behind us, not far in the woods.

"Ok. Let's call them over. Duchess!" he yell-whispers. "Come here!"

She trots over to us, carrying a loaded bow and a quiver of arrows. "What do you want?" She asks icily.

"We think it would be good if you, us, Oscar, and the ones from 2 and 4 form an alliance. We do have the best training scores." Ewan explains. She starts nodding her head, thinking about this major decision.

"Can I trust you two? Last time the girl from your district killed both tributes from mine. I don't know if I can count on you to not turn on us."

"You can trust us, of course. It would be an advantage to have Ewan on your team. I mean, he does have the highest training score out of all 26 of us." I say. He does have the highest score. 12/12 is excellent!

"All right. Truce?" She holds out her hand to me and Ewan. We both shake it.


We join the tributes from 2, Faina and Pierce, and start making our way to the bloodbath. From a distance, I take out both from 7 with my arrows. As soon as everyone clears out, I will collect them from the bodies I take down. I run in the cornucopia with Ewan at my back, and see the boy from 5 tumbling towards me. I draw a knife from my jacket. Ready, aim, fire! It hits him in the stomach. He drops to his knees 4 feet in front of me. I yank out the knife as he's holding it in, cutting up his fingers. It sounds cruel, but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay alive. Ewan is fighting with the girl from 11, and I shoot her in the back. Ewan shoots me a look that says,"Thanks." as she slides down his side to the ground. He shakes her off to go fight with the boy from 13, Meldon. I take him down with an arrow before Ewan gets there.

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