Chapter 12

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Katniss POV

I wake up to nothing. Prim is still sleeping. Peeta must be out hunting, it is Sunday, hunting day. The front door opens. Yup, there he is. He sets down his bag on the table and comes into the bedroom to see if I am awake.

"Hi honey. I was out hunting."

"I figured. Either that or you were at the bakery!"

"Oh yeah! Remind me later, I have to go into town to make some more bread. Is Prim still sleeping?"

"Probably. I just got up right as you walked in the door." My voice is still raspy.

"Oh did I wake you?"

"No. I just woke up because you weren't here."

"Aw, well Im here now." He takes off his boots and jacket and lays down next to me.


"Much." Then Prim wakes up crying.

"I'll get her." Peeta says.

"No its ok. You were just out. I'll get her."

"No. I got her. You need a break. Go back to bed." He says.

"Thank you." I hear him pick up Prim.

"Hi beautiful girl! How are you today? Hhmm? Lets go get you some breakfast...Or a diaper change! Ew!" At this point Im laughing, almost in tears. Peeta has never changed a diaper. The changing table is facing the wall, do I decide to watch from the doorway. He put a clothespin on his nose to block out the stench. I am trying so hard not to laugh out loud, but he's not making it easy. He picks up the dirty diaper like a bomb about to go off. He can't find the clean diaper, so I go into the kitchen, grab a clean one, and put it on his head.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"I dont know! Just being silly!" I put the clean diaper on Prim, take her into the kitchen and put her into her height chair.

"Your turn!" I say.

"What does she eat?" He asks this like she's some animal we found on the side of the street. I start to laugh.

"She eats baby food, stupid!"

"Oh yeah. Right. I knew that!" He puts strawberries and a banana in the blender, mixes it up, and pours the mushy mixture into a bowl. "Here you go, princess eat up!"

"Peeta, she cant feed herself yet. She's only one. Just be careful. Shes a spitter."

He takes the spoon from Prim. He scoops up the banana and strawberry mush and feeds her. Before Peeta even has the chance to put the spoon back into the bowl, the contents of Prim's mouth come spewing out, splattering all over Peeta's face. We are both laughing until our sides hurt. When we finally stop, I wipe off his face.

"Let me handle this hot-shot."

"All right, all right!" He holds his hands up and backs away like I have him at gunpoint. "How are you so good at this?"

"Well, two things. One, motherly instinct. Two, I had to take care of myself and Prim while she was still little. After my father died, my mother went into a deep depression. She just kinda...blacked out, you know?" It hurts me a little to talk about her this way, being my mother and all. But, she did leave us on our own.

There's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it. You keep feeding Prim." He looks through the window next to the door. "Speak of the devil." He whispers. Then he opens the door. "Hi Mrs. Everdeen! Nice to see you again. How are you?"

"Hi Peeta! Im fine. Where are Katniss and Prim?"

"In the kitchen having breakfast."

"Hi mom. Long time, no see!" I fake a smile.

"Yup. Its been a while." She says.

Peeta tries to break our awkward silence. "I was just about to make some french toast and bacon. Would you like some?"

"Why yes, that sounds nice! Thank you. So Katniss," Here we go. "how have you been lately? How's Prim doing?"

"She's fine. I'm fine." Im not very good at carrying a conversation. "So, where are you going to stay? How long ARE you staying?"

"Only four days. I just wanted to see how you were doing, and I was wondering if you needed help with anything!"

"Uh, actually I do."

"Really?" She sounds surprised. I would too, if I neglected my daughter and she suddenly wanted my help. But, Ive let it slide.

"Yes. Peeta and I are planning our wedding, finally, and I need your help arranging it."

"Well, Id be honored to help. When do we start?" I actually am glad I finally asked her to help. I want to re-establish our relationship. Mostly for the free childcare.

Peeta's favorite color is orange, mine is green. We decided to go with tiger lilies for the flowers and decorations. I dont want to have a big, big wedding. Not like our fake one in the Capitol. Just close friends and family.

"I still need to get a dress. We should go shopping tomorrow."

"No need. I have a dress for you already. I saved it from when the district was bombed, and managed to keep it safe. Here. For you." She hands me a large, white box. Inside there is a note.

"Hey Girl on Fire. I may not be here for you on your big day, but Im glad you are having it with Peeta. I designed this dress especially for you, my mockingjay. I hope you like it.


P.S. I'm still betting on you. ❤

I tear rolls down my cheek. Im anxious of what awaits me in the box. I know my dress from the interview before the quell, swallowed in flames, turning itself black and covered in feathers. I take a deep breath and open the box. Lying before me, is a beautiful wedding dress. The top is covered in jewels. Along its sweetheart neckline is a thin strip of pearls, reminding me of the one Peeta gave to me during the Quarter Quell. I had it made into a necklace. Perfect with this dress. It has long, white lace sleeves stopping at my wrists. The skirt is long and flowy, made of expensive silk. It also has a train, about four feet long. I notice that the jewels on the top form into a pattern of flames. This whole dress just screams Cinna's designed this. I burst into tears.

Thoughts come flooding back to me. My outfit for the chariot rides, matching Peeta's. My first interview dress. Cinna comforting me before my first Games. Him hiding my mockingjay pin on the inside of my jacket. Then a horrible thought comes flooding back to me. I remember seeing him beaten, bloody, being dragged out of the training center before the Quell. He's probably stuck on the Capitol, in a cell down deep into its catacombs. Or dead. That latter would be better so he wouldn't have to suffer. I sit there for a while, crying into my mother's shoulder.

4 weeks later

Today is the big day. Everyone is here to celebrate it with us. Annie and her family, Effie, Haymitch, my prep team, my mother of course, my friends from the Hob, some of Peeta's friends. We even had enough courage to invite Gale. Surprisingly, he came to support me. There were rumors in the Capitol that he helped Beetee invent the bombs that killed my sister, and I kind of believed it. Hes trying hard to regain our friendship. I have to give him credit for it.

Now, I have to walk down the aisle. Prim is the flower girl, being carried by my mother, Finn is the ring-bearer, and Haymitch is escorting me down the aisle. His eyes start to get a little misty. When we reach the end, he says, "Take good care of her, bread boy."

"I will sir." Peeta says as if Haymitch were my father. Everyone takes their seats, and the priest begins.

"We are gathered here today..." But thats when I tune him out. Peeta and I stare into each others eyes for what seems like, an eternity. "Its time for the bride and groom to exchange vows. Peeta, why don't you go first."

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