Chapter 20

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Peeta POV

We are at the train station, climbing to the roof where the helicpoter is. Katniss is right in front of me. Prim will be staying with Katniss' mother until the Games are over. I am scared, but mostly for Katniss. She has been through so much. I have too, but her past is, for her, numbingly frightening. I see the helicopter and we both stop, twenty feet away from it. This is it. We have to train two kids to go into the Capitol Games. To watch them die. To see them murder other Capitol kids. To hope that at least one of them make it out alive. It's both of our first times mentoring. Haymitch won't be there to guide us. He's too broken to see another Games. He can't take it anymore. I wouldn't blame him.

We start walking again, luggage in hand, going up the steps to the top. The pilot takes our bags, and we get in, put on ear plugs for the noise, and we are levitating. The ride is three hours to the Capitol. Nothing happens, there is nothing to see but the districts. The usual. We sit in silence the whole time, doing nothing, saying nothing. When we finally get there, I start to get up. Katniss stays seated.  

"Katniss, I know this is a lot for you to take in, but we'll be ok. I'm here for you if you need me. It's ok. Now, come on we have to get off now." I say soothingly.

She ignores me for a minute while I wait for her answer. Without a word, she gets up and off. I feel so bad. If I could switch places with her, I would. Our pain is the same, yet, so much different. I don't get why or how the Capitol would do something like this. Ruin our lives, our minds, our relationships, our families. They killed her sister, my whole family. They took her to district 13, me to be tortured in the Capitol. What would have happened if either of us died in the arena? Who would she have married? How would our lives be different? I bet the Games would still go on every year like it has, but this 'Capitol Games' will be the last one. Ever. I'm glad this will be it. No more hurt, no more pain, no more nightmares.

We meet Effie in the condo Katniss and I stayed in just days before our first Games.

"Hello Katniss! Hello Peeta! How are you two doing? How's Prim?"

"She's fine. We're fine." Katniss answers. I'm a little surprised because she wouldn't utter a word to me on the helicopter. I'm a little hurt.

"That's good. let me show you to your room, settle in. Then Katniss, you will be pulling the names at the reaping. How exciting." Not.

"Wait," she says,"Why do I have to pull the names? Why can't someone else?"

"Well, it's because every year, a woman has chosen the names. It's tradition." Effie reassures. "Ah. Here is your room! Cinna and your prep team will be here in five minutes. Peeta, I need you to help me with something." 

As Effie pulls me away into another room, I glance back at Katniss. She has a scared look on her face. I mouth back,"It's ok." She nods.

Katniss POV

Peeta is gone. I am all alone. But not for very long. After about three minutes, my prep team comes in. They all greet me and get to work. Octavia draws a bath. After that, I put on a bathrobe. Flavius puts some kind of goop in my hair and blow dries it. Venia files and paints my nails with an orange-gold color. Then she puts glitter over it. Octavia waxes my legs, plucks my eyebrows, and does my makeup nutrally. Now I am at beauty-base zero. I put on some outfit Cinna designed. It isn't as stupid looking as Effie's outfit at my reaping, but it's still very Capitol-ish. The whole dress is gold. It comes down to about my knees with short sleeves. An orange sash covers my stomach, orange lace at the hem of the dress, and a flame design coming up from the bottom. Given the color of my dress, the flames are barely noticeable, but you can tell they're there. Cinna braids my usual braid down my back. He puts a gold flower clip on the back of my head where my braid starts. I look in the mirror when he is done. I don't look bad, but, not very good either. I give Cinna a weak smile.

"I know this look isn't very you, but you have to look like you're from the Capitol. I tried hard to make it look as sane as possible. It's not easy you know." He smiles.

"I know it's not. But thank you for trying." I smile back. Effie comes into the room.

"Oh, good, Katniss. You're all dressed. Come, come. It's time for the reaping. You'll do just fine!" I gulp.

I get out on stage. I look over at Effie behind the curtain. She smiles at me and mouths something I can't quite catch. I tap the microphone as every one is settled in. These kids look terrified. They are from the district 12 area of the Capitol.

"Welcome children. This year is the very first Capitol Games, but the 76th Hunger Games. Now it's time to watch a special video brought to you by the Capitol." No one moves as the video plays.

'War. Terrible war. Orphans, widows, and motherless child...' I tune some parts out.'This is how we safeguard our future.'

"Now I will select one man and woman to be brought into the Hunger Games. Ladies first." I walk over to the bowl, swish my hand around in it, and pull a name out. There aren't very many papers. These kids don't need tesserae. I walk back over to the microphone. "Macie Gray." A girl, about fifteen, with red hair and green eyes walks up on stage. She looks confident. I walk up to the other bowl. "Now for the boys." I put my hand in and take out another name. "Ewan Donahue." He walks up on stage fastly, as if to get it over with. Like he knows he is going to die soon anyway. I feel the need to train him personally. He looks to be sixteen, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I see both of their mothers in the back, weeping. Hoping for the return of their children. The tributes shake hands, and are brought into the Justice Building. I go inside and find Peeta. He comes up to me, and I hug him for a long time.

"Are you ok, Katniss?"

"I'm fine. I am."

"I know you are. Let's go back to the condo."

We all pile into the car, and drive back to the condo. We get inside, and I show the kids to their rooms. They don't seem so scared anymore. Probably because they are used to the fancy Capitol stuff, and feel at home. I certainly don't feel that way.

After dinner, Peeta and I watch the reapings from the other districts.

 District 1:Duchess King, Oscar Martinez

District 2: Faina(pronounced fayna) Scott, Pierce Turner

District 3:Gilda Adams, Herman Young

District 4:Carlyle Reed, Lynch Odair

District 5:Landon Cooper, Maverick Stewart

District 6:Luella Peterson, Lexus Watson

District 7:Chaney Brooks, Silas Cox

District 8:Ernestina Cruz, Codie West

Disrtict 9:Jamey Marshall, Radley Burns

District 10:Mavis Hunt, Ulrich(pronounced Ulrick) Mason

District 11:Nollie Rice, Kalvin Shaw

District 12:Macie Gray, Ewan Donahue

District 13:Marla Avila, Meldon Blackwell

When I watch the reaping from district 4, I see him. Lynch Odair. Finn's fourteeen-year-old cousin. I stare at the screen in shock. No. He can't go into the Capitol Games. He can't die. Annie is probably watching this in tears. I wish I was home to comfort her. I will find out what type of arena this will be, and help him in anyway I can. Without anyone knowing of course. It's illegal to train other tributes, but I'll find a way.

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