Chapter 25

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Lynch POV

Today is the day I die. I need to be with Carlyle again. Its early in the morning, and still dark. I leave my weapons behind. I wont be needing them anymore. Ewan and Macie can use them when Im gone. I need some sort of camouflage so they dont recognize me.

I rub mud in my hair and put dirt on my face. After I am completely unrecognizable, I find my way to the cornucopia. I stay there for a while, then I hear something rustling around behind me. I dont want to know who kills me, just get it over with. The thing stops for a second. It feels miles away, yet its only about twenty feet behind me. The next thing I know, a knife finds its way into my back. I dont move, I dont talk, I dont look. I just die.

Macie POV

I wake up next to Ewan, and see Lynch is missing. I wake him up so we can look for him. We head to the cornucopia first. It takes a while, but we finally get there.

At the mouth of it, I see a figure sitting down. It has mud covered hair, no weapons, and no protection. Nows my chance. I walk up to it, standing about twenty feet behind the figure. I pick out a long knife from inside my jacket. Ready, aim, fire! The knife launches into the figure's back. It doesn't move, but falls to the ground. BOOM! I head back to where Ewan is standing, and we go around to look for Lynch some more.

I hunt some groosling and a rabbit, while Ewan finds some more blackberries. We purify drinking water, and I cook up a nice soup. We eat the whole pot. I found it in Lynch's bag, and it really comes in handy. For the first time in three days, we actually had a nice meal.

Darkness falls, and Lynch still hasn't shown up. I go sown to the pond to wash out the pot and get more water. Above me, I hear the national anthem. I keep to the lake, ignoring whoever died today. I know there's only one, and it wasn't Lynch. After a speech, a face probably shows up in the sky. I hear Ewan calling me to look up. Without thinking, I do. At first I didn't recognize the face in the darkness. It had blonde hair and brown eyes. It was Lynch.

I sink down to my knees. Staring down at my hands. These are the hands that killed my friend. I regret everything I've done from the start of the Games. I regret being nice to Lynch. I regret recruiting him to our alliance. I regret not killing him in his sleep when we killed the others. Most of all, I regret liking him. I admit, I did have some small feelings for him in the first place, but they went away when he explained how much he loved Carlyle. At least they can be together now, right? At least there is some upside to my wrong doing. It also lightens the chance of me totally falling for him later on. Ewan promised me we would both win. Now Lynch wont get in the way of that.

I feel something wet on my face. It starts raining, but the water on my face isnt rain. Im crying. It feels lile forever that I sit here in the mud crying, until Ewan comes to find me. He picks me up in his arms and takes me back to the campsite. That night, I cried myself to sleep.

Ewan POV

Now that Lynch is gone, there's no more competition. I had a feeling he liked Macie, but it was a small feeling. I don't think he genuinely loved her like I do, but he just needed something to get his mind off Carlyle.

The next morning, I wake up to buzzing sounds. I wake up Macie, and we go investigate. We only walk for a few minutes, when we see a fuzzy cloud in the distance. A bee comes and stings my arm. I feel light-headed. A few others come and sting us. Then we realize they aren't bees. They're tracker jackers. We turn around and run as fast as we can to the pond. We hide out there until the coast is clear. Throughout those couple hours, I hear cannons.

The Fallen is every single tribute left, except Macie and I. Just like my dream. Its scary how accurate it was. Except for the part when Lynch dies, its all the same plot. Its like the Gamemakers tapped into my head while I was sleeping, and now are recreating my dream. Thats creepy.

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