Chapter 29

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Katniss POV

"A long time ago, there was an evil president that had control over Panem. What I am about to tell you is real because mommy and daddy went through it. This evil president caused a war between the 13 districts. During the war, district 13 didn't make it through and was destroyed. This was before either of us was born.

"To show the districts that the Capitol is more powerful than us, he made up a reality TV show called the Hunger Games. What happens is, a boy and a girl are chosen randomly to go into an arena, and they have to fight the other boys and girls from other districts until they are dead. The last person alive is the winner. You can also volunteer for someone if they are chosen. In our first Games, aunt Prim was chosen to go in the Games. I volinteered for her. Daddy was chosen too, but no one volunteered for him. I'm glad they didn't, because we would never have met, and never have you.

"Daddy and I won our Games together, even though only one person is supposed to win. We told the Capitol that we would kill ourselves, so there was no winner. The Capitol let us both win, and we went home.

"A year later, another boy and girl was chosen to go into the Games, but it wasn't as usual. The winners from past Games were selected, and me and daddy went back into the arena. We tried to blow it up so there were no more Games, but it didn't work. I was taken back to district 13 tht had been rebuilt, and daddy was taken to the Capitol. There was another war that I faught in, and I was in the group of people that saved daddy.

"There was a man that was friends with us. His name was Finnick Odair. He was Annie's husband, and went into the second Games with us. She didn't come in because another woman columteered for her. Finnick sied in the Capitol. We did save daddy. While we were in the Capitol, aunt Prim came to help the injured people, but she was killed too.

"While daddy was in the Capitol, the evil president made his brain go funny. He shot liquid into daddy's arm, and they showed him pictures of me doing something bad that I never did. They tried to convince him I was a monster. That I wasn't to be trusted. He went to the hospital back in 13 and got better. Sometimes you have to go to Annie's jouse because the liquid still effects daddy. He lets his feelings out in a violent way, and we don't need you to see it.

"When the war was over, district 12 was destroyed. They recently rebuilt it, Annie moved here, grandma moved here, and mommy's friend Gale comes to visit sometimes. Cinna also is mommy's friend. Before the second Games started, he was taken to the Capitol and tortured. I thought he was dead, but he came to our wedding. Then we had you."

I let her take a minute to let it all sink in. "Do you have any questions?"


"Do you understand what I told you?"


We all group hugged. Then suddenly, Peeta's grip on us tightened. I looked at his face. It was turning blue. He wasn't having an episode. He was going. I run Prim over to Annie's again, and told her daddy would be ok.

When we got to the hospital, Peeta was admitted and I wasn't allowed to see him for 20 minutes while they did tests. After a long time of waiting, I went back home to get Prim. We went into Peeta's room together. The doctor called me out into the hallway, probably for bad news. I sat Prim down in a chair next to him, and went out. "Peeta doesn't have much longer. This came sooner than we expected. He's in a coma now, and on life support. He can hear you if you talk to him, but he can't communicate yet. He will wake up soon, and you can say your goodbyes. Stay as long as you have to." He gives me a weak smile as I go back into the room.

"Prim. Daddy will be ok. He will wake up soon, but he can hear you now. If you want to talk to him, you can."

She sits next to him on the bed and takes his hand in both of hers.

"Daddy, I love you so much. You have been the best daddy ever. Even beter than my friends' daddies. I'm gonna miss you when you leave, like when you went to the Capitol." She hugs him as a tear runs down my face. She doesn't cry. I know she is strong and that she understands what is happening. I know she knows she wont see daddy again soon.

We sit in his room talking, playing games, and watching TV until he wakes up. He finally does after an hour, and we say our goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. I never did deserve someone as wonderful as you. I don't know what I'll do without you, but at least I have Prim and my mother. I also have some big news to tell you."

"What is it? Am I gonna live longer? I have decided to go through with the surgery."

"I know you have. It's in a half hour. But there's something else. We're gonna have another baby."

"What? We are? Katniss, honey, that's terrific! Let's hope I make it so I can help around the house."

"Don't say that. I know you will. You'll be all right."

We sit there until the surgery, Peeta asking me questions about the baby. When it's time for Peeta's surgery, we don't say goodbye because I know he'll make it. I call my mother and tell her to come, and Annie too. We keep talking, until the doctor comes in again.

"How is he? He did make it right?"

"Yes. The surgery was a success. You can go see him now, but your daughter will have to wait a while. He's in the ICU. Adults only."

"That's ok. As long as he's alive."

-----------1 year later-----------------

Our beautiful baby boy was born four months ago. We decided to name him James. It was Peeta's father's name. I just used to refer to him as 'the baker'. Peeta is alive and his usual self again. We let Prim watch our first Games. She didn't seem scared, but, interested. She started school last week. Peeta went back to te bakery. I'm a stay at home mom. Everything is ok.

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