Chapter 9

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Peeta POV

I cant belive it. Out of everything that could have happened to me or Katniss, it happened to my daughter. Im just so angry, and I don't know why. Katniss says its all her fault because she had colic as a baby, but I try to reassure her. Its not easy being the parent of a colicky baby. The fear of something... bad happenning to Prim, just camt find its way into my mind. I try hard to shut out bad thoughts, but they creep up on me in my sleep.

I had terrible nightmares about losing Katniss, sometimes forever. Now I have to deal with having thoughts about losing my only child. Its horrible, the things that I think of are completely and utterly disturbing, to everyone. But not everyone knows what I went through in the arena. More than 90% of Panem doesnt. Katniss knows what I went through, and she went through the same things, in the arena anyway. Sometimes, just having her near keeps me sane. That remimds me. I have mot had a violent episode since we found out Katniss was pregnant.

Prim is our little blessing. She brings every little good thing to our lives. She brings smiles to our faces, she drove away nightmares when she was to young to sleep in a room herself. But most of all, she brings our whole family together. I think that is the most important thing. As long as we have each other, we can overcome anything.

Just thinking about the past gives me bad thoughts, eapecially when Prim or Katniss aren't here to comfort me. I have an idea what Katniss went through. She volunteered for her sister, amd saved her life. She won the Hunger Games. Twice. She became the face of the rebellion and fought in the war to rescue me. She lost her sister. She practically blew up district 12 and killed almost all of the people herself. She lost touch with her best friends, one forever. Now her baby has colic. I kind of went through similar instances. I was directly reaped for the Games. No one offered to volunteer for me, not either one of my brothers, even though they were in the right age group. I won the Hunger Games. Twice. I was captured and tortured by the Capitol. All of my bad memories of Katniss and I were erased. I almost killed the one I love. I lost my whole family. I lost a lot of friends. Now my daughter has colic. You could say Katniss went through more things. Secretly, I know I had it worse, but I never say it, otherwise we could end up in a fight, resulting in a violent episode. I dont want that. I never did. We don't deserve it.

All this happened, because of a few berries. And those few berries caused a chain reaction. This chain reaction cost hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. Many loved ones were lost. Others were people neither of is knew, but still feel guilty about. Those few berries caused uprisings, rebellions, wars, tears, nightmares. So much thought was put into the war from the Capitol. The booby traps on the streets, locking up previous victors, torturing them, killing innocent people. Bombing entire districts to nothing but rubble. Putting many lives in jeopardy. Shutting everything down until the Capitol had ultimate power over the coumtry. Luckily, Katniss assassinated Snow amd Coin. The country is now fairly "ruled" by Paylor. President Paylor. She is a good president. Stern, but fair.

The only thing that could improve mine and Katniss' lives would to live them to the fullest. Save the fighting and complaining for when we grow old together. Only good memories will be made from here on out. So make the best of it. Make it count. Dont give up at every chance you get. Most importantly, dont give up on life because something didnt go right. Im only 20 years old. Almost nothing has gone right yet, but Im not giving up. Not here. Not now. Mot ever.

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