Chapter 17

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Katniss POV

"Hi...Peeta." I say nervously.

"Hi!" He says back. He sounds surprised. "How are you feeling? Do you remember me?"

"Sort of. I don't know. A little bit, maybe."

"Well what do you remember." I can tell he's trying to be nice. Like he knows I don't remember him well or at all.

"Well, let's see. Both of us being reaped, trained, and going into the Games. I remember winning, then going into the Quarter Quell. I remember everything. All except...who are you? Should I know you?" He looks hurt.

"Yes. I think you should remember me. A lot of people say we were meant for each other."

"Yes, I know we were the 'star-crossed lovers'. But who are you to me? As Katniss Everdeen?"

"You aren't Katniss Everdeen. You are Katniss Mellark. I am Peeta Mellark. I am your husband and the father of our daughter, Primrose." He tries to explain this to me, while I am just doing nothing.

I don't remember getting married. I don't remember having a child. I don't remember falling in love with anyone. At least not until the rest of my memories come flooding back to me. All these years, these four years after the war, have meant so much to me in my life. Yet they must not mean anything if I didn't remember them. But they do mean so much. I think about what has happened these four years. My memories are so strong, they make my eyes flood with tears. I sit here, in a strange hospital, in a district I don't even know where I am, next to who I thought was a stranger these past few days. Its just so powerful, that it makes me cry.

Peeta comes over and sits next to me on my bed. I think he can tell I remember him. I do. We sit in silence, while I cry it all out. He knows how to comfort me. He doesn't shush me, make soothing sounds, rub my back, tell me to stop crying, tell me good things. No. He folds me into a hug while I sit on his lap. This is what comforts me most. Just knowing he is here, that he cares enough to comfort me, that he loves me and I love him back. I just want to make sure.

"You love me. Real or not real?" I say.

He says,"Real."

When I have calmed down and stopped crying, we lay down in each others arms and watch the news. Out of 100 passengers, 24 dead, 59 injured. Thats a lot to take in, considering I just remembered who my husband was. 24. I, actually the Capitol, killed 24 innocent people. I guess thats not a lot. I did get my whole district blown up because of my stupidity. Out of a whole district then, only a little over 800 survived. I feel useless. I am not, though. I am good for some things.

Peeta suggests we play 'Real or Not Real' to see how much I really remember. He asks me the questions and I have to answer them.

"You gave me nightlock in our first Games and we almost committed double suicide."

"Real." I don't like where this is going.

"Finnick lived and is happily married to Annie Cresta with a son named Finn."

"Not real. Finnick is dead, but Annie does have a son named Finn."

"Good. We named our daughter after your sister."

"Real." I say. I remembered my sister's death with great detail. I still hate Snow for it, even if I got to kill him. Revenge isn't always satisfying sadly.

"You wanted to marry Gale but you had to marry me for publicity."

"Not real. I wanted to marry you because I love you."

"Good. I was just checking." He says with a smile on his face. I can tell he liked my answer.

"Lets keep playing. This is fun!" I say.

"Ok, ummm, let's see. Oh here's one. You want to get out of here so we can go home."

"REAL!!!!" I practically yell. I want to leave the hospital so bad. I hate it in here.

"That's good because your mother signed the release papers this morning before you woke up. We just have to get dressed and check out."

"Thats great. I'll go get changed right now." Before I get up off the bed, Peeta kisses me on the lips. A surge of warmths rushes through me. Its a feeling I can't explain. It just feels like I am being...loved. After my father's and sister's deaths, my mother neglecting us after my father died, it feels nice to have this feeling again.

I get dressed, and when I get out of the bathroom, Peeta is all dressed too. We check out of the hospital and call a cab to the train station in our district. I feel safer in a car than a train, obviously. At least when something is coming our way we can stop or swerve out of its path. I don't think I'll ever take a train again.

I watch out the window as we drive back home. Looking out the window helps me not get carsick while we are driving. Peeta does all the driving because I don't know how yet, but I want to learn soon. I see a sign on the side of the road. Maybe it will tell is where we are. 'You are now leaving district 11'. Another one, 'You are now entering district 12'. Almost home. I know why district 11 has sentimental value to me, but I have never been there before. I know why. It is home to my ally in my first Games. Rue. I still think about her. Now I remember why Prim's middle name is Rue. I think of the song she sang in the arena to the mockingjays. It was her signal to me that she was ok. I only heard it when she demonstrated it to me. I remember her death. Our plan was to blow up the pyramid of food that belonged to the Careers. Rue was supposed to create a distraction by starting fires in three different locations. One was never lit. When I found her, she was tied up in a rope net. Luckily, none of the other tributes got to her before me. Spoke too soon. Just as I released her from the hug she gave me after I cut her loose, the boy from one, Marvel, lodged a spear in her stomach. She fell into my arms for the last time as she took the spear out if her stomach. Rue asked me to sing. I chose the valley song. The song I sing every night to my own daughter.

🎼Deep in the meadow,

Under the willow,

A bed if grass.

A soft green pillow.

Lat down your head

And close your sleepy eyes,

And when again they open,

The sun will rise.

Here its safe.

Here its warm.

Here the daisies guard you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet,

And tomorrow brings them true,

Here is the place

Where I love you.🎼

There is another verse to the song, but this as far as I get until I hear the cannon. It means the tribute has died. It means someone is gone. Forever. All that thinking takes a long time, and before I know it, we are at the train station. I get out as Peeta pays the cab driver, and run to the car. It feels good to be so close to home.

We are finally home, in the Victor's Village, and pick up Prim from my mother's. I carry her through the door, taking in the beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and my family is reunited again.

Its getting late, so I put Prim to bed. I am really tired too, so I go upstairs and get into bed. Peeta follows me up. He gets in bed next to me. All of a sudden, he kisses me. Its so passionate and deep, like he is in love with me. I know he is. I kiss him back. We kiss for a while, then he takes off his shirt and lays on top of me. We kiss for another while, getting more passionate, and he starts to lift up my shirt. I stop him.

"I'm sorry." He says, putting his shirt back on.

"It's fine. Im just, not ready yet."

"I get it. You don't want to have another child. I don't really either. It was just the heat of the moment. Good night."

"Good night." I say. He falls asleep instantly. I don't. I stay awake for a few more hours thinking. Do I want to have another child? The one I have already is great, but do I want another? What if something goes wrong? What do I do then? I have had so many downs in life, I don't want another one. Having Prim was a big risk. Am I ready to take another risk?

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