Chapter 26

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Macie POV

Ewan and I promised each other that we wouldn't kill each other. We are the only ones left. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders knowing that we aren't being hunted down anymore.

Its been eight days since the start of the Games. I think. Every other day, I go hunting, and Ewan finds berries and water. We make enough soup to last a few days. Every night is different. The first was groosling, rabbit, and blackberries. The next is squirrel and blueberry. The next was groosling and strawberry. Last night was deer, cabbage, and pumpkin. Tonight will be jabberjay, pumpkin, and strawberry. It might not sound like a good combination, but it tastes better than it sounds.

Ewan is out getting more strawberries. I have the next two hours all to myself. I take a nap, and when I wake up, the soup is all ready. How long was I asleep? Why is Ewan hiding in a tree? He comes back down carefully, as if he's trying mot to scare me away. Its starting to freak me out a little bit.

We figure out an escape plan. The same as the first day: double suicide threat. We find a whole bush of nightlock. We make our way to the cornucopia one last time. I stare around at it, taking it all in for the last time. We stare at each others eyes for what seems like an eternity. He softly kisses my lips. We both hold up the nightlock berries, showing everyone.

"One." I say.

"Two." He says.

I say, "Three."

We slowly pull our hands up to our mouths, when we hear the Gamemakers telling us we won. It takes a few minutes for me to process it. When it finally hits me, I kiss Ewan again, and we hug until the hovercraft comes to get us.

Through all the excitement, I pass out.

When I wake up, Im in a white room. I hear a faint beeping noise. As my vision comes into focus, I see lots of people sitting by my hospital bed. Ewan, Katniss, Peeta, my parents, Ewan's parents, and my prep team. Ewan first notices my waking. He hugs without a word, and softly whispers in my hair, "We won."

I whisper back, "I know."

I turn to see everyone else smiling, except my parents. My mother holds a yellow envelope, and hands it to me.

"I remember, before your Games, you told me you wanted to know more about our family. So, here. Open it."

She gives me a weak smile. I eye her suspiciously, and open the envelope. I take out a thick piece of paper. It has my known family tree on it. I read off the names in my head.

Mother: Estelle Gray

Father: Jackson Gray

Grandmother: Janette Smith, Matilda Gray

Grandfather: Park Smith, unknown

Cousins: Finnick Odair, Annie Cresta-Odair, Finn Odair, Lynch Odair

Thats all thats known of my family. Wait, Odair? No. This can't be right. I look at my mother in disbelief. She nods her head, knowing what I'm thinking. I read the list over a few more times, still seeing the Odair name. I know what this means. I killed my cousin.

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