Chapter 24

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Ewan POV

I wake up first, while Macie is still in my arms, slightly snoring. She looks really cute when she's sleeping. I know I can't be all soft right now, but I love her so much. She said she loves me too, and I'm really glad. There's only 10 of us left. That means 16 dead in 2 days. That must be some kind of new record. We plan on resting and hunting today. We'll leave tomorrow for hunting down who's left. Lynch and Macie are still sleeping still. I've been awake for at least ten minutes, just watching the clouds blow by. Listening to the mockingjays singing a song, I hear a scream somewhere close by. This wakes them up. We grab our food, weapons, and supplies, and search for the scene of the scream. After 20 minutes of looking, we find the girl from 5 holding her eye. Blood pours down her face. Macie rushes over to her, removes her hand from the girl's eye, and its gone. More blood flows from the socket, and the cannon goes off. BOOM! We vacate the area for the hovercraft, and go back to our campsite.

Lynch decides to set some traps, Macie goes off to pick some berries, and I go down to the pond to get some water. We all come back with something. I have about a gallon of drinking water, Macie has half a pound of blackberries, and Lynch has a rabbit and a squirrel. I skin the rabbit while he skins the squirrel, and Macie starts a fire so we can cook them. 

After the animals are done, Lynch goes to reset his traps. Macie and I go with him. We needed to stretch our legs anyway. Macie watches Lynch knot the ropes like a pro. I watch her, but not like a stalker. Like someone who loves the other person. Because I do, if I didn't mention it before. We are about to leave the site, when we hear something crunching leaves. Macie loads her bow, and Lynch and I get our knives ready. It turns out to be a black bear cub. That means the mother isn't very far. Macie starts petting it. Thats when I hear a low, throaty growl. A gigantic black bear towers over Macie, standing on its hind legs. She backs away from the cub.

"Macie! Run!" Lynch yells.

The bear goes down on all fours and growls again. It raises an arm, ready to strike, when I run in front of her, pushing her out of the way. The bear digs its claws in my left arm. I stagger back, blinded by pain, and black out. That last thing I feel is Lynch pulling me over his shoulder.

Lynch POV

Ewan is heavy, but Macie takes my backpack and weapons for me. We run back to our campsite, and Macie takes care of Ewan's wounds. The bear did some pretty bad damage, but I think he'll be ok. Good thing too, because he was the leader of our trio. Macie thanks me for carrying him all the way back, and kisses me on my cheek. I think she might like me a little bit, even though she said she loves Ewan. I don't like her back though, because I only have eyes for Carlyle. I still miss her so much. I'm desperate to be with her again.

I actually want to die soon, for two reasons. One, I feel miserable in here, and two, I miss Carlyle so much. Tomorrow I think I'll leave early in the morning and get myself killed. It'll probably spare Macie and Ewan the pain of watching me die.

Macie POV

Ewan wakes up just as the Fallen comes up in the sky. Only one tonight: Landon Cooper. We all go to sleep except Ewan. He insisted to be our guard, and no one resisted. Lynch and I fell asleep really fast that night.

Ewan POV

Nothing happens during the night except someone made a fire somewhere far away from us. I hear another cannon. They probably got caught, or possibly fell into their own fire, but that's unlikely. At about two in the morning, my eyes start to get heavy, and I fall asleep. I have a really scary nightmare.

Macie and I are the last two tributes left. Lynch committed suicide on the third day. Today is not going to be the last day of the Games because Macie and I have made a pact not to kill each other. She is my girlfriend now, and I would never hurt her. Ever. Its been 8 days since the start of the Games, and the last person to die was the fourth day. There was a huge tracker jacker attack. Macie and I were close enough to water that we didn't get seriously hurt. Just a few stings. The tracker jackers went away after about an hour.

We found some leaves to put on the stings, and they made the pain go away. 2 days later, there was a forest fire, but it was far away from us. probably left over from the fire that one tribute made. We came out alive and unscathed. Nothing else happened yet. I guess the Gamemakers are giving up.

Today Macie was stung by some weird bug. It made her go kill crazy. She chased me for two miles, and finally gave up. I hid up in the tree tops with her down on the ground resting. I made a brave move to climb back down. She doesn't touch me, but gets up. We discuss how we are going to win this thing. We will threat a double suicide, like Katniss and Peeta did. Its really risky, but we both have to win.

At the last second when we pull out nightlock berries, she loads her bow, aims it right at me and says, "I'm sorry Ewan, but I have to go home."  "But, you promised. You said we would be together forever. You don't want to do that. I love you." "I know," she says. "But I have to. I'm sorry." She pulls back the bowstring and launches the arrow at me. It hits me right in the heart. I hear a cannon, but I'm not dead. I can see, hear, and feel everything. Claudius Templesmith declares Macie the winner. I yell and scream to see if anyone notices me. Nothing. The hovercraft comes to pick her up to go home. I try to walk to the ladder, but my feet won't move.  

Soon enough, I'm all alone. I look myself over, and pull out the arrow from my chest. No blood is on the arrowhead, and no blood pours out of me. Not even a drop. I still can't move my feet. I hear leaves crunching in the forest and see something moving at the edge of it. The sky fades to black. Its very dark, but I can still see a little bit. Five pairs of yellow, glowing eyes come from the site of the crunching and movement. Five mutts come sprinting out towards me, and stop, surrounding me. They all look like people I know. One looks like Macie. It has red hair and green eyes just like her. Another has blonde hair and brown eyes, like Lynch. Two more have brown hair and grey eyes, like my parents. The last has dark brown hair and brown eyes, like me.

They stand around me circling me, inching their way closer. At the last second, they stop. They all attack me at once, snatching at my arms and legs. Blood washes out as soon as they're done. They all run back into the woods, except the one that looks like me. It looks back to where I'm at, and winks. I know its futile. I can't be saved. I wait for another cannon, rolling around on the now red grass, rithing in agony. It seems like forever for the cannon to come. The sky lightens up and the sun shines bright in my eyes.

The cannon sounds, and I'm finally dead.

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