Chapter 6

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It is Tuesday and it's super early. I am still yawning as I am driving back to BGC. I pinched my cheek and took a quick sip of the coffee I brought with me. I should fight my sleepiness. I am alone driving and I do not want to get into any accident.

Jerome has been keeping in touch with me since we did some catching up. He would call me or send me messages once in a while, almost each day I guess.

I think he is a good guy really and with great looks too as a bonus. So we will just see where this rekindling of friendship would lead us. I do not want to be assuming but I would not overly protect myself either. Just this one time.

Jerome mentioned of visiting me in BGC one of these days. Let us wait and see if that happens.

Well, I am actually quite nervous again. This afternoon we will know if we got the deal. But I am quite excited too thinking that we will close it. Keeping my fingers crossed. I just need to confirm that we really did.

I saw Hugh lying down on the sofa in my living room as soon as I entered my condo. I am not sure if he is sleeping or just hanging around waiting for me. Yes he got a spare key, I might have mentioned earlier. I have that of his unit too but I never go there unannounced you know in fear of witnessing things I should not and would rather not.

We just keep each other's spare key in case of emergency. I wonder what emergency brought him here today.

"Hey!" I greeted as I entered my room to put my things inside.

I left the door ajar. I heard his lazy footsteps as he followed and entered my room. He threw his self on my bed and I could see him reaching for my blanket.

"Are you not feeling well?" I asked as I sat beside him on the bed.

I touched his forehead. He quickly got my hand. He squeezed it and then enveloped it with his two hands.

Silence... awkward silence filled my room. He has an expressionless face. So could it be that it is only me who is awkward? Wat is he thinking?

I am quite bothered by his weirdness lately. I wonder if he had impregnated someone already that is why he cannot play around and he is acting differently.

"Tell me," I said taking back my hand.

"Sorry," he said softly as he got up from my bed.

"Hugh, tell me what is wrong," I said sounding almost as if I was pleading.

I was waiting for the story but there is none coming from him. I will give him time. Maybe he needs to sort things out by himself first.


I called Marge to remind her of our meeting this afternoon. I started talking non-stop again and she laughed telling me to slow down and relax.

Hugh is really adding up to my already tensed state of being. I let out a rigid small laugh and said goodbye to Marge. And I was commanding myself to go shut other things first and go with the flow for once.

"Lady, eat," Hugh said as I went out of my room.

So he went here to welcome me with a home-cooked meal. How sweet!

"Oh thank you, my hero," I said smiling.

I went to the dining area and sat quietly.

"Looks delicious," I said as I was getting food.

He smirked and shook his head but he sat beside me to eat. We silently ate the beef casserole he prepared. It was really delicious by the way.

The whole meal he was silent. That is so not him. I was waiting for his usual teasing or the start of another unending debate. But none of those took place.

Can anyone please tell me what is wrong with my handsome and hot best friend?

My Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon