Chapter 13

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Thank you my lady.

Thank you my lady.

Thank you my lady.

Hugh's last statement keeps on playing in my head again and again. He usually calls me lady but I have noticed that lately he now refers to me as his lady. I feel my cheeks burning. I am now locked in my room. Good thing Mom is out with her friends.

His lady.

His lady.

His lady.

I was taken back to the real world when I heard my phone ringing. Oh my! I have to take this call.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Chua."

"Dani, I hope this is not a bad time to call. I just want to discuss a few changes I have been thinking of and reiterate those points I find important to revisit."

"Not at all, Ms. Chua. Go on," I said as I grabbed my iPad and notepad from my side table so that I can take note of her requests and reminders.

"I want only white butterflies and white balloons. (In my head I am thinking, seriously? Would it not look like we are sending off a dead relative? But she wants that so let the bride be happy. That is her day anyway.) Please. I want the ceremony to be solemn. There should be round tables in the reception, each for 12 persons. I don't like the long tables anymore as previously requested. We need to be particular with the seating arrangement as I want everyone to enjoy during our special day." She went on and on.

I asked her if she wants to meet sooner but she said that it is fine. She will just send me an e-mail for her preferred seating arrangement.

That should be fine. We will just revise the proposal and the contract to include her requests. Everything has to be in black and white you know. So that if, not that I am hoping, something messes up or would not look good, everything is stated in the contract. Like the white butterflies and balloons. We sometimes suggest of course but this was a particular request. So be it.

Now that is my cue to go back to my real world in BGC. I will go back in the morning. I called Marge and asked her to set a meeting tomorrow. So she will now check everyone's schedule and send us a meeting invite. I love Marge. She is someone I can depend on.

Now, where was I?

I find it funny how things are turning up. Not that I have expected any of this. I really never thought that there is something more than just being best of friends with Hugh. Let's see where this will bring us.

I was not able to eat for dinner. I started packing my things and I fell asleep after. I got too tired physically and mentally.


I ate pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Bacon is my favorite, as well as Hugh sausage... I mean Hungarian sausage. Kill me now. All that I think of is Hugh.

I had coffee to keep me awake in my yet another long drive.

The afternoon passed by so fast. We had a meeting for our upcoming events. Good thing I no longer do the dirty works of canvassing and scouting. Perks of being the owner and having trusted partners. Haha.

I went straight to my unit after the meeting. I am thinking that I will just cook whatever for dinner or have something delivered if ever.

I am so not used to getting in my unit without anyone to welcome me. Yes, you guessed it right. Hugh would usually be my butler, my bodyguard, my best friend, my hero, my everything. I locked the door and turned on the lights in the living room.

I was shocked. Petals of red roses are scattered on the floor leading me to my room. When I entered my room I saw Hugh down on his knees looking intently at me.

"My lady, my Dani, I know you never expected this. To you I might just be that annoying best friend who plays around. But the moment I realized that no one could really make me suppress my feelings for you, more so replace you in my heart... I told myself that I should do something to be worthy of your real attention. I love you, Dani. Ever since the first time I hugged you after brushing off those two bullies. I know then that I love you and I would do everything to protect you. Please be mine officially?" And I noticed that he was holding out a little box.

I am speechless. I feel my knees getting weak. I came near him and I pulled him up and then we hugged. I felt tears run down my cheeks. He wiped them and he kissed me on the forehead.

"You did not answer," he said pouting. He then got out a promise ring from the little box and he put it on my finger.

I pulled his hand so that he would face me. I then nodded while smiling. I guess I am to shocked to utter a word. He enveloped me in his arms. And I felt his small kisses all over my face and then his lips rested on mine but just in a split second he started devouring my mouth. I cannot help but fight back. Now it is official. I am truly his lady.

After a fierce kissing session we hugged each other. So this is how it feels like to be officially his lady. I looked at the ring on my finger. I feel that my lips are now swollen but I could not really help but smile still. This is all new to me. New and wonderful.

"So when did you realize that... uh, you have feelings for me too?" He asked while intertwining our fingers. I admire how perfectly his fingers fit in the empty spaces between mine.

I blushed while saying, "When you first kissed me."

And then I laughed as I saw his cheeks turn red as well. He squeezed my hand and he rested his head on my shoulder. He freed my hand and then he encircled his hands on my waist. His head still on my shoulder. I can't breathe. I am so in love. It is truly worth the wait.

He whispered naughtily in my ear, "Now that it is you and me already, I don't have to wait until we're 50 for our honeymoon." I felt his breath on my ear and it sent me the shivers.

I pushed him away screaming, "Pervert!"

He laughed and pulled me back to a tight embrace.

"What? I did not say that we will do it before our wedding. Hmmm... sounds like you naughty girl is thinking of somethine else," he said looking at me in the eye.

Now he got me there. I am falling deeper. He truly is the sweetest.

I shook my head as if in disbelief. Truth is I am so wanting each and every word he utters to be real. Now, did I already say that I love Hugh?

"Don't tell me you don't believe me," he said pouting.

"I am just overwhelmed, Hugh. You know that this is all new to me," I said.

"I am glad. And I will be your first and last, my lady," he said and then he kissed me tenderly on the cheek.

And as if by impulse, I pulled him and wrapped my hands around his neck. I reach for his lips and I invaded his mouth with my tongue. And he let me... he willingly let me. His embrace to my waist tightened. And I don't know how long we stayed like that. I love Hugh. I love him. I love my best friend. I love my hero.

My Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon