Chapter 8

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He suddenly stopped kissing and I noticed that he fell asleep already. Wow! Seriously? Either he must really be drunk or I am just too boring for him.

Or he came to his senses and does not know how to end this... handle this situation awake. Fine.

I pushed him a little so that he is lying down on the sofa. I got a pillow and a blanket from the guest room. I then covered him with the blanket and put the pillow under his head. He is snoring as usual. I carefully moved his body so that he is lying on his side. After seeing that he seem okay there I stood up and went directly to my room.

I think I am no longer tipsy. Maybe the devouring machine, which is Hugh's mouth, sucked all the wine in my system. Oh yeah maybe so because look at him, he is snoring now.

What was I thinking kissing back my best friend? And there I was swearing the alcohol but I knew exactly what I was doing. Okay, so I was just loosening up. But did I have to have a hot make-out session with Hugh? Omg!

I wanted to do that since day one.

I wanted to do that since day one.

I wanted to do that since day one.

You are my first too.

You are my first too.

You are my first too.

Those two statements keep on playing in my mind. I wonder what he means exactly. Or am I over thinking? He must be so drunk that he does not know what he is doing and saying. Or he is just like me? Yes intoxicated by alcohol, but could still think and yet chose to give in? My oh my! What were we thinking?

I took a quick shower and retired to my bed. I tossed and turned but I could not sleep. To be honest, I want to get out of this room and attack the mouth of Hugh. Okay, so no. Of course, I will not do that. I don't want to complicate this complicated friendship more.

I recounted what happened the previous days. Hugh and his weirdness and then his kisses. Argh! Just too much to think of. I tossed and turned some more and then some more until I finally fell asleep.

I woke up with a heavy head. Oh yes, hangover. Then I remembered what happened so I am not sure if it is really the alcohol or those passionate kisses that drowned me. Of course, I am not going to talk to Hugh about it. It's up to him if he would. I am secretly hoping that he won't. I am just too shy.

I would also not know how to react if he will tease me about my kissing. Noooooo.

And I do not want us being awkward with each other. Yet I am secretly thinking how it would go if he would talk to me about it and if he would also confess some feelings for me. Wow! I have lost it. Of course, he would not. Feelings is not in his vocabulary, at least not the type I am thinking.

It is about ten in the morning. Good thing my meeting is still late this afternoon. My head is still spinning. I got up and took a leisurely bath. I then wore casual clothes and went out to prepare brunch.

Hugh is still sleeping on the sofa. He looks calm. And did I already tell you that he is actually handsome? Now I don't want to drool but he is oozing with hotness. Really he is perfect just the way he is. Sigh...

I cooked spaghetti with meatballs. This is both our favorite. He deserves a prize for those kisses after all. Crazy me.

As I was setting up the table, I was surprised when Hugh joined me.

"Good morning," he greeted with a big smile. Thank goodness he isn't grouchy anymore.

I smiled back saying, "Let's eat."

We both got a healthy serving of the pasta and poured orange juice on our glasses.

"This is good," he said as he swallowed a forkful of the pasta.

"You're welcome," I replied jokingly.

After eating he said his goodbye as he also has a business to look into. He didn't open up about anything about our drinking spree and kissing bonanza. So I am right that that evening was just nothing. Nada!

And look at him, he did not even ask about my meeting today. Usually he does and he offers any help he could. He would sometimes insist to drive for me or join the meeting. But now he did not bother to ask.

What was I thinking? And did I seriously hope for something? It's okay. Let it be that way.

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