Chapter Six

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I woke up early, a little to early on a Saturday. The sun wasn't even up yet why in the hell am I awake. Then a sudden pain in my heart made me whimper. What the fuck was that?

"Something are mate is doing" my wolf says " or maybe she's hurt!" My wolf says pissed

"What could she possibly be doing this early in the morning"

"It a pain in our heart maybe it's because we been away from each other. So relax and sleep Jay we have training today" my wolf say softly

I didn't say anything else as the pain goes away and I close my eyes.

Five hours later I'm back awake and decides to take a shower. I stripped my clothes and hop in loving the warmth as I wash my body in my Irish spring soap. Once I was done showering I wash my hair then got out and brushed my teeth. As I looked into the mirror I see my hair curled up and my usual green/blue eyes are dull. Ugh this mate thing is having an effect on me. I got done brushing my teeth and dress in basketball shorts and a tank top.

The smell of fresh toast was in the air as I run downstairs to make sure I get my share. In the kitchen was the pack cook. Sharon was a lovely old lady (even tho we age very slowly after the age of 21. So she looked 40 but was 195).

"Hey Jordan, you're hungry dear?" She says

"Yes ma'am I am" I say gracefully as she hands me my plate.

"Oh your father said after you eat meet him on the training grounds. He'll be waiting " she says smiling

"Okay, and thank you Sharon" as I eat enjoying her famous French toast

After I ate I went to the training grounds. Just like Sharon said he was waiting there.

"Hey dad" I say as I walk over to him.

He suddenly attacks me as I dodge it  kneeing him in his stomach.

"...You're getting way better" my father says as he hold he's stomach for a second

"Thanks to you and mom. So what are we doing today?" I say proudly

"Today is hand to hand combat and weapon combat also. We train all day until you put me on my ass" my father say crossing he's arms

"When do we start?"

"We been started" my father says attacking my with lightning fast speed.

I dodge the punch and swing as hard as I can aiming for he's stomach. But miss as he's knee crash into my ribs. Damn it. When I look back up before I couldn't even block the next blow to my arm. I hold in my screams.

"No easy going on you because you are my daughter " my father says as he strikes again

This time I block the blow and wait watching he's feet. I noticed that the left foot is slow and how it take him awhile to swing. I was ready for he's next swing and it kick. My father came with everything he gone as I dodge and punch connecting with a blow to the temple.

My father staggers a little " good job but use your strength send a blow that will knock my on my ass. Stop fighting like a child" my father says pissed off

I decided to attack him first as my hands and feet unleashed unforgivable blows. Once I was done my father laid flat on the ground.

"Damn you got a crazy right and left hook." My father says rubbing he's head. "Okay next is weapons

After a day filled of training I was able to get my father on he's ass around 50 times. Okay I lied more like 28 times.

"You did well amazing today. Almost as skilled as me. But quicker with some strength. You'll be a great alpha some day" my father say with pride

"Thanks but I'm tired so can I go home and sleep now?" I say sleepily

"Yes you can but you have to run home at full speed. If you beat me, tomorrow we'll train only for an hour"

"Okay sounds like a deal" I says as I take off running.

The race was short as I beat my father by 200ft. Once we made it inside my father called a pack meeting and had me attend.

"I thought you said I can go asleep" I say as I yawn

"Silence my daughter this is very important. After this I promise you can sleep however long you like" as he's look at me as he's eyes are soft and caring

I stay silent knowing that it must be important because he put on he's alpha voice telling everyone to sit down and listen up.

"As you all you all know my daughter Jordan Wild has a male wolf. Since me and the Luna can not reproduce and neither can the beta. Once I step down my daughter will be the new alpha and her mate will be the new Luna. From here on out you will treat her like an young alpha. You will obey her and protect her. Even though you all do it now anyway.  Jordan will one day run this pack and if you dare do anything to her... Then you have to answer to me and the Luna. Only if Jordan doesn't handle you first. Her wolf is special to this pack more then anything she is the future of this pack. Do everyone understand? " my father says glaring at everyone

"Yes alpha" everyone says and submits

After the big new I went up to my room and showered. Before I closed my eyes I prayed to the moon goddess to help me become the best I can, to protect my pack, and help my mate realize I'm the one for her. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold.

The next day was kinda a blur. I trained, ate, talk to friends, and slept. Luckily my pack decided while in school they will not treat me different but will still listen and so forth. Which really didn't make a difference at all.

Later that night as I was asleep I was awakened by a pain in my chest that felt like I was being stab. I muffled my scream by biting on my lip as it hurt like hell.

"Do you feel that?" I ask my wolf

"Yes! I feel it." My wolfs whines in anger

"What's happening"

"I...I ... I truly don't know. We have to wait it threw we'll be fine. Everything will be fine" my wolf says smoothing trying to help as much as he can

I stopped talking as I cry myself to sleep as my wolf starts to grow restless and crazy. Slowly darkness over took me making me fall into a dreamless sleep. As my tear stained face was slowly relaxed with no pain.

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