Chapter One

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"Get up Jay, you know today is our first day of our senior year of high school!" Kim yelled at the top of her lunges. It was Friday morning and it's the first day of school. I mean for one who in the blue moon starts school on a Friday? I'll wait for a second..... Right nobody does.

"I think we should get up before she make us go deaf... Hell my ears are ringing already" my wolf says whimpering.

"Fine..." I say back as I'm irritated with my bestfriend Kim.

"Ok... Ok.. I'm up now leave so I can get ready"

"Just make sure you're ready in 30." Kim says all happy and perky while she leave and closes my door.

Sometimes I wonder where do she get all this energy from. Anyways I'm just glad she didn't yell again because right now my ears are ringing. Just as I get out of my bed I was hit by the smell of pancakes. I hurried up and ran in my bathroom. Looking into the mirror I see myself... Damn I look eww. Quickly I hop into the shower washing my sleepiness off.
Once I was finished getting ready I was back in the mirror staring at myself. Black blue jeans and a blue shirt something simple. Like who do I have to impress.

"No fucking body" my wolf chimes in.

Next was my hair. Time to tame the beast I thought to myself. My hair is Raven black just like my dads but it was curly and thick like my moms. Oh well natural curls it is.

"Hurry up I want to be able to eat" my wolf whines

Oh I forgot to tell you all my wolf loves to chime in and say whatever he thinks. Yes you did read that right even though I'm a girl somehow the Moon Goddess gave me a male wolf. I know right confusing huh. Yet only my parents, my bestfriend and pack knows this. Ooo plus I can't shift....yet...Yay oh lucky me. Note the sarcasm.

As I went downstairs into the kitchen everyone was already eating.
"Damn did they save us any" my wolf questions.

"Hey where's my pl....." Before I can even finish my mom hands me my plate with a smile on her face. I smiled back happy she save me a plate. As I ate my dad comes in and everyone goes silent. I mean literally it was so quiet I'm sure you can hear people thoughts. My father Alpha James wasn't a morning person at all but he had to make sure he's one and only pup(me) was ready for school.

"There's my little sunshine" my dad says as everyone relaxed happy that he wasn't grumpy this morning. "So are you ready for school" he ask raising an eyebrow.  "Yerp... But seriously first day on a Friday?" I said kinda irritated.
My dad just look at me shaking he's head smiling. "Well... Just don't fall asleep in class like you did last year".  Last year was a daze I was asleep most of all my classes somehow I passed. "Okay I won't fall asleep in class this year dad." As I get up and went to find my bestfriend.

Kim was by the door waiting for me as a grin came across my face.
"I was waiting for you at the door" Kim says as she laughs making me bust out laughing. "Come on chica time to go to jail". "Yyyaaaayyyy jail" I chimed in as we walk to my car. We both hope this year would be different from last year.

As we got into the car I couldn't help to feel like this year is going to be something else.

First day of school how bad it can be...

A/N: I'm so sorry for the short chapter😔. But the next one will be longer I hope. By the way Jordan aka Jay is a girl that has a male wolf. Later on in the book you'll find out why. Happy reading 💋.
Ps. I'm trying to do a chapter a day so please be patient🤗.

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