Chapter 39: It Aint Over

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Jordan P.O.V

After a months and some days Angel was already showing that she was with pup. The pack was extremely happy, due to the fact it's hard for higher ranked wolves to have children. Most royals only have one child no matter how hard they try. Hints why the moon goddess let same sex mates be able to have children. Even though we could've adopted but we just wanted to try.

Currently I'm in my office of our new pack home. Amors clan decided to leave awhile ago and create their on home around 30 miles out. One most get confused is that most wolves has vampires mates, it's just they can't reproduce without the goddess giving them access to the equipment they need. Basically a strong enough body to handle the hybrid growing inside. Only another hybrid can actual carry the child. Or a vampire has to carry the child, either way they can have kids.

Any-who I'm getting of subject, one the other side of the world my old kingdom has fallen completely. Cece, Angels sister body was found along with her mates body on the property of the White Fang lands. Which leads me to the conclusion that they were both killed for what I do not know. But I have a gut feeling that her father more then likely did this to her. Yet there isn't any proof, nor nobody seen this "accident". But I will track them down even if it's across the globe. To kill one of me pack members is to kill family. Even if it's odd for them to be that far away from home.

"I really think we should just, let it go. I mean packs in the area said they were a double agent. So why risk our family lives...." Alph say in my mind

"I mean they are family also."

"We got a pup on the way, plus a mate that will skin us alive if we dare leave the again." Alph growls out

"Really Alph... you're scared of our mate?" I ask

"Have you seen her when she got mad last time. She ended up destroying half the house because we bought the wrong type of chocolate" Alph says shaking his head.

"Yea, I remember. I mean we got milk chocolate when she wanted white milk chocolate.... I mean it's the same damn thing but different colors." I said getting done with everything.

" Hey Jay, do you feel that..... that energy" Alph says

"Yea, I do... nipwit that our pup which only can mean one thing......" I say

"Oh shit our pup is on it way... GET CHA ASS UP AND MOVE!!!" Alph growls out

Quickly getting up I run to the hospital wing knowing Angel water broke. She'll be damned if I miss this, hell I'll beat my own ass if I miss my pup being born.

Taking only two maybe five seconds to get there without hurting anyone but I probably have broke some stuff.... shit oh well. I quickly walk into the run seeing my mate breathing heavily. Grabbing her hand I come to her side taking most of the pain for her. Yes I know what you're thinking, and yes I can take the pain for her, it the male or other sex way of saying you're not alone and I'm here through all the pain, for everything.

But seriously this shit hurts but I'll do anything for my mate and pup.

Smiling at my Angel growls loudly to announce that the pup is coming soon.

As black dots cover my vision I stay awake and take every drop of pain, smiling as I hear the third heart beat and the first cry of our pup. Hearing my pups first cry filled me with pride and energy as I take the last of the pain for Angel.

Kissing my soulmate forehead then lips I smile as I look at our pup while the nurse cleans them off.
Gentle I may add because I'll kill even if I hear a some cry of pain for my beautiful pups lips.

Yea, I know that sounds crazy, but fuck it hurt my mate or child I'll kill you painful and slowly and that's not a threat that's a promise.

As the nurse gives our pup to my Angel I look down and see we have a beautiful baby girl. Smiling warmly I start to purr and puff out my chest in pure pride over my little family as the nurse leave to give us some privacy.

"What should we name her" Angel says

"How about April... because she is like the spring. Through the down fall of our lives she brings nothing of pure happy and joy. Like how spring showers bring flowers" I said in deep thought as I kiss our daughters forehead

"Hmm.... I like it April Phoenix Wild.... Phoenix because no matter what she'll always come back stronger and wiser like her parents and pack.

" I love it" smiling like a mad man I send a link to the whole pack letting them know the princess is here and she's healthy. Slowly I feel a rush of everyone happiness and some asking to see her. I quickly say thank you and to wait till she's at least 3 months old so she won't get sick being out in the weather. Yes April is a hybrid just like her parents are but those genes don't kick in until she's 3 months old, right now she's like a human baby.

Climbing into the bed I hold my family as Angel feeds April....

Damn what a life but it only began......

The mother fucking end (for this book)
I want to say thank you to everyone that has been sharing my book, writing comments voting and everything. I thank every single last one of you. Honestly I'm so proud of this book at first it was just going to be a hella short story but it turn into something more. I'm already starting the second book but just give me some time to at least get to chapters out. Feel free to message me with any questions..

Thank you all once again

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