Chapter:18 Alpha Who?

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Jordan's Pov.

Me and my father smashed into one another, fighting to see who will get the upper hand. I was holding back trying my best not to do any lethal damage to the man that is my father. We tackle and crash through the window, landing outside. Quickly I cut the link to Daisy. Why, so she won't feel what I feel as badly and so she doesn't know what's happening. Stupidly I did this in battle. That's when he got the chance. Pining me biting into my neck.

"Submit or die Jay" my father growls through the link

"In a cold day in hell" I growled back

"You leave me no choice, you stubborn pup" my father voice roaring through the link

Just then he's jaw tighten cutting off air. Yet I was still alive my wolf giving my the strength I needed. Quickly, I ran and smashed into a tree. Causing my father to jump off of me. Seeing my own blood drip from my coat, finally I snap. Not the average snap and kill. More the snap and stay calm. They always so it's calm before the storm. And trust me the storm is coming.

Glaring at my father I decided to talk through the pack link so everyone can hear.

"You dare try to kill your only pup"? I ask as calm as I can

"No pup of mine will challenge me and make me seem weak" my father says. While he's voice laced with venom

"Surely you're death would be one to be remembered, bitch" smiling a wolfy smile

That did it my father finally snap, he's wolf taking control into my little trap. Charging at me I was quick to dodge he's teeth and claws. Still smiling I look into his eyes and made my move. Letting my power flow through my body, I leap over him into the clearing close to the front of the pack house. Making sure everyone can see this fight.

My father eyes were black wanting my blood. Not wasting no time we collided into each other creating a bloodbath. Claw and teeth marks all over each of our bodies. Nobody gaining upper hand so finally couldn't take it anymore and went for the lethal blow. Snapping at my fathers neck my jaws latched on. Pinning him down, letting my teeth sink in slowly.........

So damn that went to 0-100 real quick lol😂. But what do you think about the fight so far????

Lmao no I'm not leaving y'all on a cliffhanger this time...Maybe

Seeing a crowd has form my eyes wonder to my mother. She look me in the eyes asking for my not to kill her mate my father. Not wanting to hurt my mother I decided to try to make my father submit. Knowing it's time for him to retire and the pack needing a new alpha and Luna.

"Submit, old man. You lost,but I won't kill you" I growled using my full alpha voice through the pack link. Causing everyone to whimper even my mother.

"FINE" was all my father said.

Slowly turning he's neck to me,tucking his tail and lower his self as close as he can toward the ground. My father was finally defeated. The alpha King has finally retired. My mother running to he's side smacking his snout for daring to kill her pup, she simple hugged me and tended to my father.

Walking around the full pack looking into each of their eyes, making sure everyone submits to me. Everyone bowed down saying in unity "our new alpha. Alpha Jordan we accept you as our leader". Nodding my head, I turn and howl a power ground shaking howl. Letting it be known there's a new alpha in these parts. After black spots cover my vision from lost blood.....

2 Days Later Jordan's Pov.

Waking up in the pack hospital I was feeling good, refreshed and new. Looking over to see my mother with tears in her eyes, but once she seen I was awake she hugged me deeply.

"Sweetheart I thought you'll never wake up. The doctors said you could've been out for weeks, maybe even months. Not giving you a blood transfusion because you're cut were healing magnificently. The only reason why you was out because of your wolf. You're still a pup you haven't even turned 18 yet..." Looking at my eyes she smiled again. " oh honey, I'm just happy you're awake.

"Th...thanks mom" my voice came out raspy as I started to look for water. Seeing the my mom gave my a cup. Mouthing thank you I drunk it down smoothing my dry throat.

"So how long have I been out?" I ask still drinking the last of my water.

"Mmm... two days give or take. I just...."

"Tw... two days?!" I yelled out loud forgetting wolves have sensitive hearing.

"Yes two days" my mother says wincing a little. "But everything is okay now, you're father decided for us to travel around the world. The beta has step down, so you'll have to find a new one. Hmm that's about it. So you'll have to choose a new one. But I'm sure you'll choose the best beta for our pack" smiling at me.

"Thank you mom, just keep in touch. You know I'll miss you to much. And will probably have a million questions for you" hugging my mother breathing in her scent deeply for one last time before she left.

About five minutes later my mother left including my father and beta. Waiting in the hospital bed the nurse finally came and check everything. Making sure I was 100% back healthy before letting me leave. Another ten minutes later I was released putting on the clothes that my mother left me, I walked back to the pack house.

Seeing that everything was fixed and everyone back happy act normal, my wolf relaxed and chilled. That's when my Bestfriend came and hugged my followed by Mike.

"Hey chica, I see you're now the new alpha huh?"

"Yeah I am, and I see you finally been mated and mark completely" looking at my Bestfriend and her mate Mike.

"So have you, you smell like Daisy and yourself. Seem like somebody been doing the dirty dance" Kim says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Kim stop it, you know an alpha needs a luna and so does the pack. Don't tease mi amor" Mike says grabbing Kim from behind holding her.

Feeling a soft pain in my chest, realizing that Daisy is still at her father pack, and that I need her back badly. Turning away from them I start to walk out the door.

"Hey where are you going? Someone needs to look over the pack." Kim yells at me

"To get my mate. I'm also leaving you and Mike in charge until I come back. I'll be gone no more then two days" tossing the words over my shoulder.

Getting into my car driving, hoping Daisy wouldn't kill me for blocking her out for 48 hours. That is one wolf I do not want to piss off.

Hey guys/girls I just wanted to know should I do a chapter when Daisy didn't hear from Jordan in 48 hours or should I just skip it? If I skip it then the next chapter would still be in Jordan Pov.

Please vote and share. Trying to reach 1000 view overall. Thank you if you vote or share or read😁😄😆.

Ps. Can't believe I'm up to 900 views overall. Hopefully one day this book will be ranked *fingers crossed*.


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