Chapter 28: Love Season

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(Please read autour note at the end)
Jordan's Pov.

Waking up the next morning, I didn't have no clue what I did the night before. But I knew it was the global wolf run so ehhh nothing bad didn't happen. Looking around I was still in my wolf form in the middle of a meadow with my beautiful mate snuggled into me still in her wolf form. I know I said it before not even two seconds ago but damn my mate is beautiful. Since we wear each other's marks her wolf has the same marking on her face but more elegant and a queens crown mark on both shoulders.

The other pack mates are gone, some went home and others went to find their mates. This time of the year every female wolf with a female wolf goes through heat whenever the Queen (which is now Angel) goes into heat. As for the males with male wolf they tend to get overly protective and stay close to their mate side like a love sick pup. As for me I'm female but have a male wolf, which means I don't go through heat like the females, plus I'm more level headed then the males at times. I still have a temper like a volcano eruption. But hey having a beautiful angelic gorgeous mate would do that to a person.

Anyway, I snuggled closer to Angel making sure she stays warm due to the morning chill. Smiling my wolfy smile I finally let my guard down and fully relax for once, knowing everyone is safe and my mate is happy. After a couple moments I smell this intoxicating scent, knowing it my mate is going through heat.

"Jay, Its time to become fully mated. We're both mature now. So when Angel is ready we'll be ready. Don't let any male come near or their blood will paint this grass" Alph says to me.
Even though that was pretty harsh, I know other unmated wolves will come by. Yet my scent cover all my land therefore hopefully they'll know better.

Moments passed before Angel woke up, and lick my face for a good evening kiss. I know it's weird to still be in wolf form but this is the only way we can mate and have offspring. It's kinda like a hit or miss. You can hit it all day in human form but miss it because you can't produce offspring. Lmao get it hit it or miss it? Yet these rules only apply to me, you see I have a female human body (somewhat extremely flat chest like a guys but still female). Then my wolf form is a male wolf.... You know I gotta Johnny long leg.... a third stick.... a kick stand.... rhyme with stick but starts with a D. (If you don't get it now please stay in school). But only in wolf form I do, yet I can have one in human form if I and my mate choose that it would be better to be that way. Yet she love my human form the way it is.

Turning my attention back to my mate I wonder if she knows that I'm on edge to mate. Sliding under my completely giving me access I get my answer.

"Mi amor, are you sure? I mean you just got up?"

"Actually I been up, I was just relaxing but Sky kept want to jump your bones.... So me and her made up our minds. I Queen Luna Angel Red accept the mating process, to be yours till death and even after, to take care of you and our pups if we have any, to love you like no other, and accept all your flaws, mistakes and everything that makes you, you" Angel says through our private link that made my chest swell with pride, joy, and love.

"And I King of werewolfs Jordan Wild accept the mating process, to be yours till death and after, to protect, take care, and serve you. To care and protect our pups if we have any, to love you like no other, and accept your flaws, mistakes, and all that makes you, you. To make you smile, to make you happy, and to be everything you need forever and always".

Moving into position as Angel show me her neck to submit to me and only me. Alph and I slowly bite down softly on her spot as we slowly being to mate.
(A/N: if you want a sex scene please comment. If not I'll write it in another book labeled "Silver XX").

Later That Day

After mating for hours repeatedly I was indeed tired as hell. Turing back into my human form as Angel stayed in her wolf form, I grab a pair of shorts from a tree trunk (no I don't need a top because my chest is as flat as a guys chest). Putting them on I notice Angel laying down still, tired from our activities of the day.

"If you want I can carry you back home, I know you're tired and would like to get washed and lay in our bed"

"You know I'll have to stay in my wolf form for awhile after mating to you. So can you give me a bath when we get home?" Angel said

"Of course love, come on in hip in my arms. It's my job to serve you my Queen"

Holding my arms out Angel tired to get up but her legs were to weak. Laughing to myself I picked her up softly and held her close, as we made our journey home.

It only took roughly an hour to get back home, but I would gladly walk 24 hours or longer if I'm with my mate. I'll walk, swim, climb, leap the landscapes of this earth if I'm with my mate. Smiling down at her as I walked up this steps into our room. Taking a deep breath making sure nobody's in or was in our room, luckily nobody was here. Closing the door behind me as I set Angel down, I went and locked the doors, and windows.

After making sure all is safe, I came back to Angel waiting for me to give her, her bath. Picking her up once again I walked to the bathroom and set her in the tub.

"Do you want me to join love?"

"As long as I get to see you naked, hell yea" Angel says through our private link

"Your wish is my command princess" I said with a wink

Stripping off my clothes, then rinsing off Angel to make sure all dirt is off her body before I get in. I grab some of my body wash, then settled in the tub with my mate relaxing a little before I lather her fur up. Yes, I know it's weird but hey happy Queen happy life. Plus I'm not trying to get my head chewed off no time soon. Taking a large amount of body wash I start to massage my mates coat making sure she gets nice and clean. Then I wash myself before rinsing both ourselves off. After doing all that's needed to be done I got out with Angel in my arms. Wrapping a towel around my waist and getting the comb and blow dryer to dry both Angels fur and my hair.

"Love, when we lay down can you switch back to your wolf form so I can snuggle into you? I just love your warmth plus it keeps me calm." Angel says sounding tired in my head


Getting done with combing and drying, I gently grab Angel and put her in our bed. Then switch back into my wolf form. Jumping onto the bed and laying on top of Angel in a way, to make sure if anything happens whoever the person is won't see her but only me. Yes I know I'm getting over protective but I don't care, what's mine is mine nobody else's. Looking out the window, the sun is now sleeping and the moon is now awake, I slowly drift off to sleep.

Two Days later

Waking up after two days of nothing but mating, I notice Angel was gone of into the bathroom, doing god knows what. Sheepishly smiling to myself knowing she okay I slowly went back to sleep. But before I could even go back to sleep Angel decided to link me.

"Jordan I don't feel so well" Angel says through our link

Well that was fast.....

A/N: Hey everyone, I wrote this kinda fast because I know I've been lacking hard with the book. But after reading everyone's comments I decided to write this chapter. Y'all just don't understand reading your comments or seeing people vote puts a smile on my face. I know some of you are wondering where's Daisy and Luke or Jordan's parents. Those questions will be answered in some later on chapters I promise. Also Cece, Angels sister will make another appearance also in the next chapter with her mate. So if you want to be her mate inbox ASAP. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter many more to come maybe.

Ps. We reached over 13k, Hell fucking yea. I'm so proud.

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