Chapter 35: BLACK

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Jordan Pov.

Waking up with Angel in my arms I felt better. But my emotions keep coming back. I need to let lose or I'll snap and kill. Getting out of bed not waking Angel I went out. Oddly I can feel a huge difference in me. Something I hope that will never happen. Running away from everyone into the woods. I felt my once gold heart turn completely black.

Laughing as I growl I sound like I lost my last bit sanity. As my fangs grew out, I laughed as I felt the pain of myself changing into something that will hunt you in your dreams. Smiling as I welcome the pain, laughing as I die inside. There's no turning back now. There is no soul life in me. Chuckling as the darkness kisses my skin. I felt more powerful, the only thing that can bring me back is my mate and finishing what I started. Looking up to the moon with my fire red eyes mixed with black.

I won't feel no more, I won't cry anymore, I won't be weak anymore. I won't let nobody else die, I won't let nothing stop me.

Thinking I sent a message to my mate.

" Don't worry love I'll be back, I have to do something. I'll be back within a week. Stay here and stay safe" I said through our link as I cut it off

Laughing at my emptiness, I ran as far as my legs will carry me. Hop on a plan back home.

Get ready bitches, here I fucking come!

Five Hours Later*

The plane trip was long but it gave me time to really think about things. If someone finds where my pack is then that can mean war on creatures humans and all. Which give me more of a reason to do this, to finish it all without harming my mate or my pack nor the peaceful creatures that roam this hell hole.

Stepping off my private jet I walk slowly off the air strip into the woods. As the I leave my emotions behind with my mate. She's my light when everything is black. Closing my eyes I slowly let go of all feeling going into my beast mode.

Walking to the middle of nowhere not really feeling the heat on me as I wear all black so blood won't show. Sniffing out for the scent of the bitches that dare hurt my loved ones and force us to leave. Taking in a huge breath I finally found what I was looking for.

"Alph you ready, because once we start it's no stopping us" I asked my inner wolf

" I'm ready, time to put up or shut up. It's a reason why we're King and a hybrid so let's play. Shall we" Alph says in a voice of pure blood lust

Smiling to myself, I cracked my neck, and knuckles. Time to play, let's see who shall we go after firsts.

Knowing that I'm more so north I decided to get the witches that dared to make Angel that way and did something to our pup. Walking to their little territory I smiled as I feel them watching me waiting to kill me.

But nobody dare to come to me knowing I'm looking for the top bitch.... I mean witch that did it. Since she's the most so called powerful one their little leader that been making her people kill innocent. Stopping in the middle of their territory I relax my body deeply.

"Hey.... I know you all are watching.... But I'm hear for the top bitch.... I mean witch or whatever the fuck she is. If you ever so kindly tell me where she is I'll spare your life and you family lives. And make sure you all have the magic crystal yall need in order to live well..... If not I'll rip out all yall hearts one by one slowly and force you spirit mate to watch as your life is in the grip of my hands...."

"He is actually in the field waiting for you. Which is straight ahead my King" someone says

Nodding my head, I start to walk to the field completely calm. Knowing he must have switched he's shape when we ran into each other, and knowing he's little kingdom hates him deeply they won't lie to me. I smile knowing that the witch kind haven't turn rogue... well they ones without great power that is.

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