Chapter:20 Hidden

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Jordan's POV

I was in my office doing some paper work, as I start to think about somethings. Why didn't she kiss me back or seem happy?

"Jay something is up and I don't think we'll like it. Go find our mate"my wolf says

With that said I quickly got up and ran out my office but locked the door. Taking a deep breath I could smell Daisys scent but it was very faint and another scent that I quickly noticed it was Luke's. Why the fuck is he here?!

"Kim where are you" I asked through our pack link

"In me and Mikes room. Why what's wrong? You sound like you're about to kill someone" Kim says

"Meet me outside in the front asap" I said cutting off the link

Walking outside I wait for Kim as I ordered her she was there in a heartbeat.

"Jay what's wrong? I never seen you like this". Kim says worried

"Daisy is gone and Luke was with her. Earlier today she didn't seem happy nor when we kissed it was nothing. Or even when we touched still nothing, and now she's gone with Luke".

"Well this go spy on some mutts" Kim said just as pissed as me

Usually I'll be pissed if someone calls Daisy a mutt but my wolf didn't seem to mind.

"Shift and no attacking until I give the signal" I said as I shift into my wolf and Kim soon follows.

"Follow me and cover your scent"  I told Kim through the link.

Taking another deep breath I was able to find their scents but it wasn't as strong going towards the woods. Me and Daisy slowly start to walk into the woods masking our scents and keeping low.

"Jay what ever happens today just know I'll be here for you." Kim says trying to keep my anger at bay.

"I know that's why you're my beta." I said while trying to follow the scents.


"Yes Kim. Now back to finding Daisy and Luke"

We walked for two hours towards neutral land know as no mans land. Really it was a huge clearing with a waterfall. This is where pack members come to settle an agreement or people come to get away. Kim and I stop and took cover in some bushes, laying down on our stomachs so we won't be seen. While we keep our scents covered we look out trying to find Daisy and Luke. After a couple minutes we seen them in wolf form running around and playing.  Keeping my growl down and my anger at bay, me and Kim stayed silent watching them. What happened next was not something I'll thought I'll see. There they are licking each other, clearly things was getting heated. So I looked away feeling pissed and broken. But something told me to look back. All I seen was Luke looking like he was humping the air, but I looked closer and Daisy was under him. Daisys mark on my neck burn like it was set on fire. I wanted blood no I wanted Luke's blood. Yet lucky for him Kim was with me as she pulled my tail telling me we should leave. Taking her lead I ran back home as my heart was shattered into millions of pieces.

Once I got home I changed back into my human form not caring if I was naked and walked into me and Daisys room. It smelled like her and I couldn't take it. In rage I destroyed the room taking out my anger as my neck burn of her mark.

"Alpha please calm down you're scaring the pups down stairs and everyone can feel your emotions. Please alpha calm down before the pack destroys everything" Kim says trying to calm me.

Slowly I stopped and took some deep breaths.

"I'm sorry. Just have someone pack my belongs and move it into another room. I cant stand smelling her" I said looking around for some clothes.

Putting on some shorts and a sports bra, I walk outside my room going downstairs showing everyone I'm okay. The pack seem tense but luckily me nobody went on a rampage. Taking some more deep breaths I smelled her and Luke scent outside, but their scents were mixed in someway.

"Kim come downstairs and follow me. Oh and bring Mike". I said through pack link.

As soon as I said it they was there in front of me. We all walked outside seeing Daisy in Luke's arms smiling. Clearing my throat so they know we're here, Daisy . Looking in my eyes with shame, I look at her neck and seen she now has Luke's mark. I couldn't hold my growl back as I was more then angry.

"Jordan I'm sorry but I can't be with you anymore. I Daisy Moon reject you Alpha Jordan Wild as my mate" Daisy said looking into my eyes.

Feeling our bond break, I know I have to accept it in order to not feel dead everyday.

"I Alpha Jordan Wild accept and reject you Daisy Moon as my mate and Luna. You and Luke have 2minutes to get off my land or I'll personally hunt you both down and kill you" taking a sniff again " and your pup that is slowly slowly ever so slowly growing in Daisys stomach... You have a minute left" I said in a deadly tone with no emotions.

Just like that they left and with 1 minute I sent five of my warriors to check and make sure they was off my land. Now that I think about it Daisy has been acting weird and her wolf wasn't as white anymore, it had gray on its ears and tail.

Before I could walk back into the pack house every went hazy, filling the effects of being rejected by my mate. The pain and the growing heat in my body, I couldn't walk. Finally my body shut down and I fell to my knees. Howling to nobody sending my pain and hurt out, as I let go and fainted.

Hey everyone. This was a tough chapter to write. I really didn't know what to do. But anyway the next update will be soon.

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