Chapter Eight

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I woke up in my bedroom as I feel someone presence. I looked over to see Daisy face looking as though she was crying. Before I knew what I was doing I tried picked her up and held her in my lap. But she moved away from me.

"We need to talk" Daisy says in a weak voice

"About?" I ask wondering what do we need to talk about

"About Lu.... I mean what happened today"

"Mmmk lets talk "

"Why did you um attack him?"

"Because for one her hurt you, two he was touching you an a way that nobody was supposed to, three he disrespected me and you. Therefore he deserved it... Wait are you sticking up from him" I say as a pain grows in my chest at the thought of it.

"N.... No I wasn't" Daisy quickly says as she see the pain in my eyes. " Look Jordan all because we are mates doesn't mean anything. You can't be beating up everyone"

"And who said I couldn't? I don't know what the FUCK... I mean I don't know what I did to deserve this. I haven't wrong you or your family at all. But yet your sister makes my life hell. Then you avoid me and stuff. Like what in the blue fu.... Moon did I do wrong?"

"...... I just........"

"You just what?"

"I just think since" Daisy slowly held her head down as tears fell from her face.

It broke me heart to see her like this, so I put my pride aside and moved pulling her into a hug as I shield her from the world.

" Please don't cry Daisy. I'm sorry. Just dong cry please. I just want you to be happy and be the best mate I can be. Just give me the chance to give you the world" I say softly as I rub her back calming her down.

After 5 minutes or so Daisy calmed down and stayed in my arms. I was happy that she didn't pull away from me.

"Okay.... I'll give you a chance" Daisy whisper

"Really? Do you really mean it?" I ask as I start to get happy

"I Daisy Moon accept you as my mate.... For now"

I smiled happily even though she said for now. Although I didn't forget about her sitting on someone else lap I couldn't help but to be happy.

"Sooo are you going to leave me to go home... Because you suppose to stay with me since you kinda accepted me being your mate. Plus it very late" I say kinda pushing my luck. You can't blame a girl for trying right?

"I'll stay for one week but I'm taking your bed" Daisy says as she moves out my arms and jumps in my bed.

"Where would I sleep?"

"Um on the couch or floor or somewhere. All because you're my mate doesn't mean you can sleep with me"

"Come on.. My back hurts from everyone slamming me against the wall to hold my back. How can you let your injured mate sleep on a hard cold floor or a small couch?" I whine

"Ugh fine we can share your bed. But it's a king size so you sleep on the other side of the bed. Got it?"

"Loud and crystal clear" I said as I walk into the bathroom and shower.

After I got out i looked toward the bed as Daisy sits up with her pjs on and hair kinda damp. She most took a shower in the guest bathroom. Daisy look at me and point to the other side of the bed. Lucky for her I decided to put on a shirt since I usually sleep in basketball shorts and a sports bra. I walk over to the other side and lay down as Daisy lays down also.

"Oh yea we're both suspended from school for a week because of the accident" Daisy says before she falls asleep. Good because truly I didn't want to go to school anyway.

After ten minutes Daisy was soundly asleep and somehow move herself against me. I pulled the cover over us and wrap my arm around her taking in her scent, as it calm me down deeply pushing me to a deep peaceful sleep.

A/N: Finally Daisy came around somewhat realizing Jordan is her mate. Sorry for the short chapter😔.

Ps. When Daisy said your my mate for now it doesn't me she can change her mates. She's just saying I'll give you a chance to win me over.

Pss. The next update will be later on this week since I'll be busy. Hope you enjoy


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