Chapter 36: Strength

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Angels Pov

Waking up with Jordan gone is heartbreaking but I know they are going to solve all our problems. Looking at the ceiling humming a soft tone to myself, I start to wonder what is Jordan doing. Taking a quick glance through their eyes I see that they are sleeping due to it being dark and Alph telling me to not wake Jordan. Since Alph was awake I decided to let our wolves talk to each other in private since they really need each other. Feeling the mate bond grow back stronger then ever feels amazing. Yet I know I shouldn't be taking away Alph focus to keep Jordan safe, I simple let our wolves talk for a couple seconds. Alph needs to know we're okay due to what happen to us.

After a couple moments they was done talking in private. Feeling sleepy I decided to take a quick nap, before I get up and bathe.

Waking up not even two minutes after closing my eyes, I ran to the bathroom inside our temporary room. Sick feeling coming over me I emptied my stomach into the toilet.... 

"Why do I have morning sickness still" I thought to myself....

Not really paying no mind to it, I decided to go ahead and eat something.

Wondering downstairs, I wondered into the kitchen to get some fruit. What can I say I'm craving for some strawberries and I'll be damn if someone ate all my strawberries.

"You're not the only one that will be damned." My wolf chimes in

Going into the refrigerator I found what I was looking for and headed back up to me and Jordan's room. Locking the door and taking a running start while jumping into the bed landing on my back. I relaxed and ate my delicious strawberries.

Eating the whole box, I decided to actually let my mind wonder a bit.

"Hmm, let's see.... I haven't had my second heat yet... maybe because Jordan isn't around.."

"Lol, maybe so" my wolf says as she does a wolffish smile

"Why the "lol" I ask while I lookup at the ceiling

"Oh no reason Angel. But I'm going to rest. Talk to ya later feisty red" my wolf says as she sudden block me off from her.

"Slick ass"

Rolling around in bed wasnt something I wanted to do all day. Since Jordan is handling business I might as well do some research on everything and help.

Going over to my laptop that Jordan got me awhile ago. I decided to look up our kind and see if there have every been a war between werewolves, bitches I mean witches and ass suckers I mean vampires. Turns out the only war was called the "Blood Moon Apax Omega Great War". Damn that's a mouth full don't you think? Anyway it started with the bitches I mean witches wanting to rule all supernaturals and the humans. The vampires just wanted the humans to feed from... Ughhh old vampires are such a headache at least the new age ones go to blood bank to get blood. Anyway the werewolves didn't really care much as long as they'll live in peace and together with humans due to humans can becomes ones mate. So the ass suckers and bitches got together to takeover the world so to say. Which happened on a Blood Moon. For those who don't know the Blood Moon happens every once in a Blue moon. Basically that's when werewolves go ape shit cray cray and mate like rabbits. Which is.... well... ehh beast like so to say.

Anyway the war started on the night of the Blood Moon. It says that most males and females found their mates which was humans. So the werewolves got involved to protect the humans playing the hero card like always.. Sigh....

It also states that the war only lasted for 3 hours due to the fact that the war ground was painted in nothing but blood guts and bodies. Yet took a week to clean up.

Sounds nasty as fuck if you ask me.

The werewolves can out as the top dog... haha get it top dog ... No okay. No fun I guess.

Anyway the werewolves won the war. But it came with the price of no werewolves could ever become a hybrid.


Later own the law and or rule was lifted because the supernatural world became so mixed. Which is a wonderful thing. Yet still there was no hybrids that was immortal. Only those that were personal blessed by the Moon Goddess herself can be.

Even more interesting.

After doing all that research I found out that this can be happening again. Yet Jordan already got the bitches in mean witches. Plus Amor rules over the vampires... So basically it's just rogues trying to take over this time.

Hmmm.... even more interesting.

After Five Hours of Research

Laying down, thinking over everything and every detail from both me and Jordan's life I started to put two and three together.

Cee Cee never was found. My old pack wanted to come and visit. Jordan and their Father got into a huge fight.

Hmm..... wait.... wait .... hold the fuck up

If Cee Cee knew about our old pack coming she could've left and or join them. Plus she envy the fact I was mates to the King of all Kings, Alphas of all Alphas

If Jordan's father was still pissed about getting his ass handed to him and Jordan leading a pack ten times bigger then his. Then found out my pack was so called old school so to say. Then.......


They wouldn't all team up and gather up rogues of all supernaturals to get back at Jordan and me...


I quickly decided to mind link Jordan, telling them everything I found out and what is happening

"Are you sure love" Jordan ask with deep emotion

"Yes, and you need to come back ASAP. Like right now. No if ands or buts"

"I'm on my way I'll be there in three hours. Wait for me and we'll come up with a plan" Jordan's says as I feel them letting us see through their eyes showing us that they are coming and making sure nobody will be able to track nor find us or our pack

"I'll be waiting... Love ya fur ball"

"Love you too babes" Jordan's day with a smile in their voice

I know I know. Long time now update. I'm so sorry. But here you guys go... yes I got lazy and just added to the sneak peek. But oh well


A/N: hey guys, I know I've been lacking hard. But I will try my hardest to updates more. Thank you all we reached 104k. Plus I will be writing a book two.

Thank you

Happy reading

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