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Daisys Pov.

I was in my room as I watched Jordan walk back to our pack. Yea I know I was home, but now home was in her arms. Before I could start missing her I looked away from the window. Cuddling into my pillow, my mind went to last night when me and Jay completed the mate bond. I seem Jays questioning look when I put her on top. Heck I didn't even know why I did what I did, but I know my wolf does.

"Hey... Mind telling why did you take over last night?" I ask my wolf

"I had to take over to complete the mating ritual." My wolf says

"Well why... I mean tell me in detail why"

" The reason why I flipped us over was because...... This will sound weird but Jay a.ka Jordan wolf is a male, so I seen her eyes darken which mean her wolf Flex..." My wolf says

"Who's Flex?" I asked wondering who is that.

"You know how my name is Zara right. Jordan's wolf name is Flex. That's do to her having the silver wolf. Legend goes to say the silver wolf name is alpha because he is the strongest and fastest wolf. Head of all alpha including the so called alpha King. But the only problem is it take awhile for him to fully mature."

" oooooooooohhhhhhhh..... Ok I got it now. So keep telling me about the whole mating thing" I told my wolf

"Well Flex, Jays wolf took over which means I'll have to take over. So I flipped over to let them know we submit. Also I know this will sound weird but Jordan will never go into heat or anything like that. Her wolf is a male. Which means we can possibly have pups. The way I position ourselves will make you know go into us" my wolf says happily

"I see. Well thank you Zara."

I then cut of the link and layer there in deep thought. Smiling to myself knowing one day me and Jordan will have pups. I didn't noticed that me sister was now in my room until I felt eyes on me.

"Hey, Bobby. What's sup?" I said sitting up looking at her

"I can't believe you fully mated to that mutt. I should've seen that coming when you asked why did I hate her." Bobby said as her voice held anger and a hint of something else

"Don't you dare call Jordan a mutt.. EVER. You don't even know the true story at all. Father doesn't even hate Jordan or her pack." I said

"What you left for a week now you're on their side? You're mutt of a mate won't be no alpha. Please she's a girl we both know that, she'll be maybe a beta or something."

That's when I had enough of my sister ignorance. Jumping up off my bed going to my sister so we stand face to face.

"What did you say about Jordan" I said in a deadly tune using a voice I never knew I had

"I... I said your mutt of a mate" Bobby says kinda shocked

That's was it, I punch her dead in her nose hearing a bone cracking sound. I keep hitting her as I speak.

"Jordan's father went to go save our mother you dumb bitch." I said as my wolf took over.

Before I could even stop myself, I broke my sister nose and ribs. I wanted to do more damage but my father rushed in, picking me off her. Bobby laid there still alive as she started to heal.

"What the hell happened"! My father roars

"She kept calling Jordan a mutt and saying she'll never be alpha after I told her to stop. But she kept going so my wolf took over and here we are now". I said matter a fact.

My father didn't say nothing else as he held Bobby up and place her nose back in place.

"Lucky you heal fast... Your ribs will be bruised for awhile though". He said looking at Bobby making sure that's all that is broke.

"Bobby you can not be talking about Jordan like that. She'll one day rule over my pack as well as her own......."

"Dad are you stupid she's a girl and we both know she won't be able to handle the men here" Bobby say staring at father

"Jordan will rule over both packs that's final. She will be your alpha and Daisy your Luna. If you have a problem with it then go rogue" father says in his alpha voice full of rage yet calm.

Bobby didn't say nothing else as father carried her to the doctor.

Closing my door I laid back down wondering how long would it be before I see my mate again. As I slowly fell asleep I felt every emotion Jordan felt. For some odd reason it felt like she was on edge. Not the good type either more like panic.

Just before I could mind link her what's wrong I no longer felt her...........

A/N: Aaaawwweezzz snap. Lmao yes I'm going to leave my lovely readers wondering what happened..... But remember to vote and share. Also comment I would love to hear your thoughts about the book so far.

Thank you to all my readers.

Happy reading


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