Chapter 34: Feisty Red

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Angel P.o.v

"Angel wake up, wake up half blood we need to talk" Sky says

"Mmmm, I'm up. And why are we locked in my mind?"

"Well that is what I was getting to dipshit. Now anyway, if you be silent I can tell you everything that happened while you was getting your beauty sleep" Sky says

"Okay, fur ball I'm listening" I say as I wait to hear what happened

"Anyway that night Jordan carried us back you was asleep and I was talking to Alph, all of a sudden I got tired out of nowhere. Then I blacked out. All I felt was Jordan body heat leaving us and someone coming and grabbing us. That's all I remembered of that night." Sky say sounding tearful

"WHAT?!.... Then where are we and why do I feel different and where's Jordan?" I asked as I feel lonely

"I don't know where Jordan is honestly, but I do know why you feel different" Sky says while sitting in front of me

"Then why?"

"Well while you was sleeping Jordan decided to bite you, forcing their blood in the deep wounds. They kept doing it until their blood mixed with ours. Finally they bite again to put venom or something in our blood. Making us like them a hybrid. Hints why you can't wake up. Plus um.......we're ........not...... we're not pregnant anymore" Sky says as my heart breaks

"We lost them when whoever did whatever they did" Sky says as I stare blankly at her

"Where also in Rome, I've been listening around while you rested. It's been about a week. Jordan hasn't came back yet and Kim is taking care of us until we wake up. Plus Cece disappeared and her mate was found dead......oddly." Sky says as she licks my face trying to get me back to reality

"So we lost our pup, our mate isn't back yet, my sister is missing, her mate is dead, and now we're hybrids?" I said trying to not snap or break down

"Yes, and its time for a Queen to wake up.... oh and by the way I was in control of your body and thought Amor was Jordan. Silly me.... she um kinda hit our pressure point and fully knock out your body. So um getting up might be hella painful.... I um.... I love you" Sky says as she gets up and runs away knowing I am pissed off

Rolling my eyes to my wolf I slowly woke up, looking around I'm in a room with a bathroom connected to it. Getting up was painful as fuck, feeling like I got hit by a truck. Turning on the light I slowly looked into the mirror.


My hair, my beautiful white hair is now red. Welp ehh it makes me look like a badass hopefully Jordan likes it. Just the thought of Jordan makes my heart hurt deeply. Where could they possibly run off too. Focusing slowly I tired to mind link them. Only getting a vision of the sunset in the clouds.

"Hmm maybe they're on their way here. It's been some weeks. But how would the feel knowing I lost our child to someone doing something to me." I thought me myself

Hopping into the shower I wash my body and hair deeply trying to get my aching muscles to feel better. Once I was done bathing I went into the closet and pulled out Jordan's jogging pants and tee shirt. Missing her scent, her voice, her laughter, her arms around me making me feel safe and warm. Putting on her clothes which still smell like her help me deeply.

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