Chapter 37: The Visit (Full)

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(Jordan's POV)

Getting home was rather easy if you asked me... A little to easy. Not one supernatural creature was heard nor seen me. Like they wanted me to leave... But once I got back to our new pack lands I couldn't help be feel like maybe just maybe our pack should turn ghost for awhile. Maybe just maybe the supernatural world needs to have a great fall since most packs think us Royal pack aka Wild Pack has to many Member and is to strong. Maybe I should just let my pack rest and become one again.

"Hey Alph, don't you like the idea of relaxing and getting our pack back as one and closer to the moon goddess. Even if it mean that we'll have to change our pack name and go ghost for awhile" I ask my wolf

"Honestly Jordan, I think we should just go ghost. Packs are getting power hungry and it's time for there downfall and ya to raise from the ashes. We literally helped every pack, fought for freedom, loved when we was hated. It's time they see that us and our pack is needed and we was there only to help. You're pack and Amor coven should just go ghost for about 18 years or so..." Alph says sheepishly

"Why 18 Years" I asked

"Don't worry about why" Alph says as he cuts off the connection

Weird asf. Stopping to rest for a little while I decided to hunt. Hunting was second nature to me, I love the wild in my fur as we race for the game. Yes I know some people might dislike the fact that I'm hunting be hell I gotta eat. After my hunt I decided to stay on track and go home. Alph was keeping me company while we walked/jogged.

"So Alph if you could would you choose a different human to have as a partner?" I ask

"The fuck I look like choosing some weak ass human that can't take my comebacks nor sense of humor. Jay you're stuck with me, even if I can't stand your loud snoring" Alph says

"My snoring!? You mean your snoring! Sound like a grizzly bear hibernating in my head"

"Oh please that was all you."

"Alph you are me and I am you. Yet you snore whenever you rest in my mind soooooo..."

"Don't even go their Jordan. You know I can't help it ."

"Oh you mean when your dreaming of"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence or I swear I'll make you grow a tail and wolf ear in human form" Alph snaps

"Fine... Fine.. I won't say it. Yet you're so adorable when you do that"

"Mmhmm... Adorable my cover fur ass" Alph says rolling his eyes at me

"Okay let's get home.. our mate is wanting for us and she hates it when we keep her waiting to long"

"Trruuueee. Last time she got so mad at us she made us sleep on the couch... which I might remind you isn't comfortable. Not even in my form" Alph says

"Then let's go wolfy"

Rolling his eyes Alph took over and ran home like his life depended on it. But half way there he got tired so I took over. Luckily we wasn't that far when Alph got tired, because hell this is a long ass trip. Taking some short cuts and covering our tracks we made it home in record time.

Walking into the front door after switching back to our human form, I was tired asf and just wanted to lay down. So guess what I did? If you guess I ran upstairs and cuddled with my mate, you're wrong. I literally closed and locked the door then passed out like black out. My legs were shaking bad, my body ached for sleep. Therefore I just let my body drop and rest. If I got any injuries they'll heal while I rest. Angel might get mad for us falling asleep on then floor yet she'll be happy that we made it home safely.

My dream was weird because for some odd reason The Moon Goddess kept saying long live your family and long live your pup. Like wtf my pup died sadly because of some damn witches. Fucking witches I dislike those who use magic for evil deeds. Why did they take my first born knowing it hard asf for royals to have offspring. They could've took me instead but not my little pup that wasn't even 4 weeks yet. But oddly The Moon Goddess just shook her head and smiled at me like I'm missing a point or something. Not really caring anymore I just chilled there in my dream until I felt my mate yelling for me to get my big ass up and go shower.

So guess what I did... I'll give y'all some time to think .... 5.....4.....3...2.........1....

I got my big ass up and went to go take a hot shower that I needed deeply.

"Angel is mad at us because we smell like death and isn't sleeping next to her"

"Alph you know damn well that we both were tired asf and was in no shape or form to even make it up the stairs" I told Alph

"Yeah, whatever just hurry up so we can sleep next to her"

Following Alph wishes I took a quick shower and got dressed in my sleep wear and quickly got into bed with our mate. Not really noticing that her scent slightly changed a bit. Holding her close I dismiss that and went into a peaceful and dreamless sleep.

The Next Morning

Waking up next to your mate is amazing, but what's more amazing is sleeping in with your mate. For once I actually sleep till after 10am which is something new for me. Usually I'm up by 5am to go for a run, then paperwork, then make breakfast for my mate and maybe my pack. Looking at my Angel she had a little glow to herself, beautiful. Simple beautiful.

"Alph do you notice her scent?"

"Yes I do and I know why it changed a little" Alph says

"Don't tell me this isn't Angel again. Or I swear ima go bar shit crazy"

"No... no.. no... this is our mate our Angel" Alph says smiling

"Then what's the..... wait.... is she..."


"She's is... like are you sure Alph."

"Y...E...S.... she is Jay.. she is"

Without noticing that Angel was awake she sat up and place my hand on her stomach. Closing my eyes and forcing I felt our little pup growing inside. They're still alive and well. Feeling the tears in my eyes I cried. Yes this big bad Alpha of all Alphas ruler of all supernatural cried.

Holding my mate close to me but making sure I'm not hurting her in no way shape or form, I decided that it's time to go ghost. To become one again, and become a strongest pack that ever lived. I decided from this day forward I'll make my pack timeless,
I'll make sure we live forever even if we do turn into a ghost pack not known to anyone. But remember by all. I decided that this day the Wild Pack is no more. That the Renaître Pack is now and forever. My mate, my pup, my pack will become better. Amor will be here to with her clan. We will all go ghost and the the supernatural world take their toll and will will rise again stronger better and wiser. 18 Years is what it will take for our pup to be of age . 18 Years I have to make this pack into a force and 18 years to rebuild my pack fully and lovingly.

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