Chapter 7: The Wife Beater and Writing

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When I wake the next morning, I'm a little worse for wear. In fact, I feel a bit like I overdosed on nitrous at the dentist and then I was hit by a truck. I know it's the jet lag, and going east is the worst. Great! I wonder how long this is going to last.

There's a soft knock on my door. "Come in," I croak

Tom opens the door and peeks around to determine what manner of weaponry he may need to approach a jet-lagged, caffeine-deprived psycho. As he eases around the door, I see he has a cup of coffee in hand.

I reach out and make grabby hands like I'm a two year old. 

"What? You want this?" Tom points to the cup in his hands. I just nod because, frankly, I don't want to hear my croaking voice again.

Tom laughs and walks to the side of my bed. I sit up straighter and take the proffered cup from his hands. I sniff the coffee because, after all, drinking coffee is an experience, not just an activity.

After the steam hits my face when I blow on it, I take a sip and sigh in contentment.

Tom is still standing next to the bed, rapt by my morning ritual.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you, too, Darling," Tom says with just a hint of hesitation.

I look up at him with mock surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was talking to the coffee. Wow, this is really awkward."

More quickly than I thought was possible, Tom scoops the cup from my grasp without spilling a drop.

I jump to my knees on the bed, and reach for the cup, but Tom has already turned and taken two steps toward the door.

"Give it back!"

"Now, Darling, is that any way to talk to a man who you just rebuffed for a cup of coffee?" Tom asks, reaching for the door handle.

"I mean it, Tom. Give it or you'll be sorry."

With that, Tom turns and looks at me. It's then that Tom and I realize at the same time how inappropriately dressed I am. At home, I generally sleep in what is fondly refer to as a 'wife beater' (white, ribbed tank t-shirt) and panties. The t-shirt is thin and leaves little to the imagination, but it's not like I have a roommate or anything. The thing is, I forgot that I'm not at home.

Tom's eyes dart to my chest where I'm sure he can see my nipples. Damn, when did this room get so cold? He then tries hard to maintain eye contact, but I see his look return slowly to my breasts and then to the flimsy red panties that complete my ensemble.

I finally summon enough gray matter to reach down to pull a cover from the bed and hold it in front of me. I have to admit that Tom ogling me raised my temperature a bit - now I'll have to take a cold morning shower.

Tom casts his eyes at the floor and clears his throat. "I'll leave you to get ready."  He turns again toward the door and almost runs into it in his haste to exit my bedroom.

When he leaves the room, I slump on the bed and sigh. Just as I'm about to get out of bed, the door opens slightly, and Tom reaches around holding the coffee cup out for me to take.

I walk to the door and take it from his hand. "Thank you."  "You're welcome," Tom says, muffled from the other side of the door.  He then closes it, and I can hear him retreating down the hall.

Tom's POV

Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts, I think to myself.

I knew that Kenni would be attractive if I ever saw her...well...sans clothing. So she hadn't been naked, but there had been very little left to the imagination.

That shirt had been all but transparent, and her knickers...I wanted to rip them from her. By now, we'd be lying in a sweaty tangle of sheets if I'd done just that. That is if she had reciprocated my actions. Not likely.

Damn it to bloody hell! Why did I invite Kenni here? Was it a twisted desire to be tortured? Having Kenni this close, and in my own home, was proving to be a challenge.

Perhaps the tasks of the day would change that. That, and a cold shower.

Kenni's POV

I showered quickly and readied for the day. This included hair and makeup. Tom had stopped by my room again to say that he had something important planned.

As I walked to the living room, I see that Tom is dressed in a suit and dress shirt. So much for the holiday!

"Are you ready, Darling?" He asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be considering I don't know what our plans are," I say, raising an eyebrow at Tom.

"I'll explain in the car," is all he says. Tom grabs his keys and out the door we go.

Tom opens the passenger door for me. "I won't tell Ben that you just did that," I say as he slides into the drivers seat. Tom just smirks at me.

We drive in silence for a few block. "Are you going to tell me?" I finally ask, a little exasperated.

Tom pauses for a moment as if he wants to get the words right. "You know that I think you're an amazing talent, don't you, Kenni?"

I blush a bit and look away. Tom has never told me he thinks I'm talented, and frankly, it means more to me than I would have ever thought.

"Tell me something I don't already fucking know, Hiddleston."

Tom chuckles at this. "Yes, well, despite your well-endowed ego, I'd like you to consider a side project from 'Just In Time'," he says.

Tom glances at me, and I roll my hand as if to say, "Continue."

"As you may know, there are those that have wanted me to star in a romantic comedy. I've been looking at various scripts, but so far none have been to my liking. When my agent talked with me about having one written for me, I immediately thought of you."

Tom pauses to test my reaction. I'm dumbfounded that he would even consider me. Finally, I punch him in the arm. "Get the fuck outta town!" I say.

Tom grins at my reaction. "Yes, well, you may be excited now, but there's a bit more. You see, I've also wanted a chance to write, and I thought, what a better way to get my screenwriting chops than to do it with Kenni."

Tom wants to write a rom-com with me? Does this include testing out some of the romantic parts?...

Stop it, Kenni! I admonish myself.

"Oh, TW, I'd love to teach you a thing or two," I say, patting his hand.

The way I said it and the way he took it was all all the right ways. I blush furiously, and turn to look out the window. Before I do, I see a bit of a blush creeping up Tom's neck.

"So, you're in?" Tom asks when we've both recovered.

"Absolutely," I say.

"Splendid," He says, flashing me his Hiddleston megawatt smile.

"This still doesn't explain where we're going," I say.

"We're going to meet the rest of the writing team."

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