Chapter 29: Restroom Breaks and Announcements

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Tom is a perfect, attentive, lovable dork for the rest of the day. He brings me water and herbal tea. He helps me from my chair when we take bathroom breaks. He even looks at me from time to time when the casting assistant and an actress are performing particularly romantic lines like he's saying them to me with his eyes; or conversely, he makes goofy faces when the lines seem cheesy.

When we break for lunch, Katie approaches me while Tom has a word with the director.

"So, you and Tom seem especially close."

I'm taken by surprise, but I think I cover it well.

"Well, we've known each other for some time. We're old friends really," I respond, but warning bells are going off in my head.

After all, Tom and I had kept our relationship a secret. It may be bad timing to let the cat out of the bag, especially with me being pregnant. Plus, I don't think Luke would be too keen on reading a tabloid or online story of Tom's love child. I've heard stories of Luke's anger, and I think it may make Angry Tom look like a kitten batting around a ball of yarn. Anyway, I don't plan to find out if I can help it.

Katie seems satisfied with my answer, though I can tell she plans to keep an eye on Tom and me. When Tom finishes with the director, he walks toward me with a sweet smile on his face. Before he can get to me, I struggle and win the battle to stand from my chair.

"Kenni, what are you doing? Is everything okay?" he asks, picking up his pace to close the distance between us. I step back slightly before he can touch me or my bump. However, I do manage to break into a smile, if nothing else for Katie's benefit.

"It's time for a restroom break. Walk with me?" I say.

Tom smiles again and takes my elbow. "Of course."

We walk down a series of halls to the restroom. Once I'm finished I rejoin Tom.

"It must be a pain in the arse to have to pee so much," Tom says.

"You have no idea," I respond. "You know what else is a pain in the ass? Nosy people."

Tom looks at me with a raised eyebrow, so I continue. "Listen, Tom, I think we need to play it cool in public. You know, it wouldn't look too good for the news to break suddenly about Champ."

Tom looks from my eyes to my belly, and his hand instinctively rubs it. Then, he looks back to my eyes with a soft smile.

I smile at Tom, enjoying his attention. "Plus, it might be nice for you to tell your mum so she doesn't hear about it from some reporter asking questions."

Tom lets out a sigh and takes his hand from my bump. "I know you're right, Kenni. I just don't want to pretend anymore, you know? I mean, I had to keep the relationship going with Angelique to keep up appearances. I had to keep quiet about yours and my relationship. Hell, I even had to keep my feelings to myself about you for a long time. I don't want to do that anymore. Not about this nor my love for you," he says, and his hand returns to caress my belly.

I nod because I do understand. No matter what troubles Tom and I face down the road, it'd be nice if we could spend this time discovering together our new roles as soon-to-be parents and not have to worry about the outside world peeking in. I'm also tired of keeping our love a secret.

"Just a little while longer," I say, standing on my tiptoes to brush my lips against his. He deepens the kiss for a moment then remembers our conversation.

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise." I say.

As it turns out, just a little while longer was until later that day. Tom had made excuses at lunch, leaving me a few times to make or answer calls. He was also strangely absent for a few minutes of the break following lunch. When he returns, he talks with Katie and the director for a moment then walks to me.

"Alright everyone. We'll continue on while Tom and Kenni handle some business," Katie announces.

I give Tom a quizzical look as he helps me from my chair. "Come with me," he whispers.

We walk out of the room and find a smaller conference room that's empty.

"I hope you don't mind, but I've taken some steps to remedy our situation. You still get a say in how this goes down, of course," he says, smiling at me sweetly.

I must have looked confused as he held his phone out for me to read. On it is a press release which reads:

London, UK

Tom Hiddleston and his girlfriend, Kendall Andrews, have announced that they are expecting a child. The two who have collaborated on Ms. Andrews' American television show, Just In Time, and more recently on a yet-unnamed film script, began dating a few months ago.

Mr. Hiddleston is quoted as saying to family and friends that the two are elated to become parents. "I am over the moon about this, and I know Kendall will be a great mum."

They have not mentioned a due date or the gender of the child. Sources close to the two have said the couple remained mum about the pregnancy in order to protect their privacy.

I read and reread it, at a lose for words.

"Don't worry. I already phoned Mum."

When I don't respond, he adds, "We can change it if you want," then he lifts my chin to look me in the eyes.

I fight back the tears welling up. "Well, I guess you could add, 'Mr. Hiddleston, the exceptionally virile stud muffin,' but I'd guess that'd be too much information."

Tom chuckles at my response, then his look turns sweet.

"The only thing I wish I could change in it is your last name. To Hiddleston...just so we're clear," then he kisses me sweetly.

There's still some things to work out, my inner voices says.

I know there is, but I'm not going to let it spoil our happiness.

"Send it."

"Really?" Tom says with a huge smile breaking across his lips.


With that, Tom kisses me with more passion, then he calls Luke to give him the news.

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