Chapter 19: Driving Angry and Flying High

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I'm driving to work when I decide to call Tom. I know it's 7 a.m., but the bastard deserves a wake-up call after his attitude yesterday. It rings then goes to voicemail.

"Good morning, Mr. Hiddleston. I trust you slept well. Now, what the fuck is wrong with you??? I haven't talked to you in, like, ions, and the first thing you do, while slurring your words I might add, is accuse me of opening my legs for the first guy I see? Really? Really! You better fucking call me when you get this, or I swear, Tom... I swear." With that, I end the call.

I try to calm down. After all, I may be a fast driver, but I pride myself on not being an angry one. I can't help it, and I hit the steering wheel a couple of times. I decide to call Ben. After all, he was with Tom last night, and that fucker was encouraging him.

It rings a few times, then there's silence. "Ohhh, hellooo?"

"Good morning, Ben!" I say as loudly and cheerily as I can.

"Ohhh...Darling... Can you turn down the volume a bit?"

"But, why, Ben. Are you... HUNG OVER!!!" I yell.

"Yes, yes... For fuck's sake, I am! Are you happy?"

"No, I'm not happy, Ben. That's the point."

We return to silence.

"Where's Tom, Ben?"

"He's gone."

"What do you mean, 'gone'. Gone, as in gone for a run or out to fetch some tea? Gone, as in the ship came to take him back to his mother planet? Tell me, Ben."

"You know, Kenni, I do not have the desire nor the brain cells this morning for your witty banter, so I'm just going to cut to the chase. Tom caught the first flight to London this morning."

"He what?"

"He took off, flew the coop, grabbed the first stage out of Dodge. You get the point. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to vomit and wish that I hadn't been born. Good day." Ben ends the call.

That son of a... I think when my phone buzzes. It's an incoming email...from Tom.

I take the first exit off the freeway and pull into a parking lot. For some reason, my hands shake slightly as I open my inbox.

Dearest Kendall, 

I'm sorry I left without speaking to you. I have an urgent matter to return to in London. Before you worry, Mum is fine. Just something that I have to fix.

I realize that this is not the best method for communication with you. You prefer to have it out, face to face, but circumstances do not allow it at this time.

I saw you with Tobias. I came to your house in the morning, and you were just leaving together. First, do not think I think any less of you. To the contrary, you two looked happy together. I hope that this is love, and that the happiness I witnessed continues. You deserve it and so much more!

When I saw you with him, Kendall, I realized the terrible mistake I'd made. All this time, and I never told you I wanted to be in Tobias' shoes. I've wanted to hold you, touch you, be with you, be your man for so long, and I never acted on it. Whether it be that I'm a coward or a fool makes no difference. I didn't act, and now I have to suffer the consequences.

I think it is best, for the time being anyway, that we cease contact. Please know that I do and always will consider you a dear friend. It's just, I need this time right now. So, please forgive my self-indulgence but it's the only way I know to save what's left of my heart.

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