Chapter 9: Flinch

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Tom and I rise from our seats to follow Diana into the kitchen. As we walk, we move through other areas of her home. I see various mementos of her and her children's lives - trinkets and various objects, and lots of pictures of family past and present.

I stop to examine some of the more recent photos. They are of Tom and his sisters. Some are serious photos, others are of them at play in their youth.

"Mum keeps the especially embarrassing ones for show and tell," Tom says, draping an arm over my shoulders. "I have a hundred dollars American in my wallet. Do you think that would buy me a peek?" Tom just shakes his head and chuckles. "If Mum really likes you, she'll show you free of charge."

We continue to the kitchen and find Diana has placed an unfamiliar bottle on the counter with three crystal glasses. I can just read the label - Dunkeld Atholl Brose.

"Mum, I didn't know you still kept this?" Tom says, surprise in this tone. "Well, a mum is allowed to have her secrets."

Tom steps forward and pours us each about two fingers. He hands glasses to Diana and me, then picks up his own.

"A toast," Diana says. "To your partnership. May it lead to wonderful things." She smiles at Tom, and he pauses before raising his glass. I raise mine as well, though I wonder if there's some hidden meaning to her toast.

I sip the amber liquor and enjoy the honey-sweet warmth as it travels down my throat. "This is wonderful. What is it?"

"It's a Scottish liqueur my dad always kept around for special occasions," Tom says, swirling his glass.

"Well, how special is that? Something from your Scottish heritage," I say, trying to lighten his mood. "That it is," Tom says, smiling at me.

"I'm sorry I don't know about your family, Dear. What drink would be appropriate for the next time you visit?" Diana asks.

I freeze. All I can think of is Kendall Jackson wines and my theory of where my mom got my name.

"Kenni hasn't really investigated her family ties, have you, Darling?" Tom says, saving me. I just shake my head 'no', knowing that anything I say will be inappropriate.

Diana reads the awkwardness and says, "Maybe just something uniquely American next time, then?" I laugh and say, "Yeah, like maybe moonshine?" I immediately regret my words. Diana looks at me and then chuckles. "Well, if that is what you want, Dear Kenni, I'm sure I can find it." A twinkle is in her eyes, and I swear that I may get a chance to see the Hiddles pictures I'm waiting for.

"I suppose Kendall and I should be going," Tom says as if he senses our growing closeness. "Oh, must we?" I ask. Tom scowls at me, but Diana picks up on my scheme. "Tom, I can pull something together for dinner if you and Kenni can stay. Of course, if you have other plans, I understand." I love this woman right now!

I know Tom will not refuse his mom. "Alright. If it's not too much trouble," Tom says, eyeing me like I'm concocting a plan. That I am, Tom, I think to myself.

"Excellent! Tom, you make yourself useful by setting the table while Kenni and I start dinner," Diana says, busying herself grabbing things from the cupboard and refrigerator. "Kenni, are you handy in the kitchen?" Tom scoffs at this.  I give him a look, and Tom busies himself with gathering items for the table again. "I can hold my own," I respond tentatively. "Wonderful. Let's get started."

While Tom walks to the dining room, Diana and I start dinner. She's chosen something simple (thankfully!) - beef stroganoff with a salad. I chop items for the salad while Diana simmers the meat with seasonings. "Dear, would you slice the mushrooms for me?" I walk toward the counter where the mushrooms have been placed, not realizing that Tom has returned from the dining room and headed in the same direction. Though Diana's kitchen is not small, we manage to collide anyway.

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