Chapter 20: Landings and Takeoffs

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I land in Dallas, grab my laptop bag and purse, and run toward my connecting flight. It's a small connection window, and I just make it as they finish boarding. I take my seat and quickly take out my phone. I have every intention of calling Tom again, but I have another missed call. It's from Toby.

Holy, shitballs! I have no man for years, and suddenly I have two! I correct myself: I have one whose made it known he's interested in me, and another whose implied that he loves me. Holy shitballs, indeed!

"Kenni. It's Toby. Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought we were going to have lunch today? Anyway, call me."

I hit his number to call him back. "Kenni, I was worried. Are we still on for lunch?"

"Toby, listen. I'm sorry it has to be done this way, but I'm boarding a flight so I have to make this quick. It's not going to work out between you and me. I'm really sorry."

Toby is silent for a moment. "It's Tom, isn't it?"

"Tom? How did you know... Ben!"

"Yes, well, Ben told me that Tom has been interested in you for some time. However, I just thought his loss was my gain. After all, if he wasn't going to tell an amazing woman such as yourself how he feels, I wasn't going to stand around and wait for him to come to his senses."

It's my turn to be silent. "Toby, I..."

"It's, okay, Sweetheart. I understand. Now, off with you, go find your happiness. I wish you nothing but the best, Kendall," then he ends the call.

Well, that was easy, I think. Fuck, that probably means the rest of this shit is going to be hard!

It's time for me to power down my phone. As I do, I shake my head at how things have happened, and I think about happiness and what that might look like with Tom. I'm both concerned and excited about what London has in store as I close my eyes to nap for a bit.

Tom's POV

I land in London, tired, jet lagged, and still hung over. Luke is waiting for me just outside of customs, so he walks with me to the waiting car.

"It looks like no one is waiting for you. Just a few paps, but nothing unusual," he says, eyeing me.

"Good," I say, slipping on my sunglasses. I know I look like shit, but they'll likely chalk that up to jet lag.

Once we get to the car, I relax a bit as Luke gets in the back seat beside me. "Do you want to do this now, or should the interrogation wait until we arrive at your house?" he asks after a moment of silence.

"Can't it wait? I'm knackered, and I feel like holy hell, Luke."

He eyes me again. "Alright, Tom. We'll wait."

We arrive at my house, and Luke helps me carry in my bags. As I take them to my bedroom, Luke goes to my kitchen to start the kettle. When I return, there's a cup of tea waiting for me and Luke is sitting at the table.

"Alright, out with it. I haven't got all day, and you know you're going to tell me anyway."

I sigh and sit at the table. "I broke it off with Angelique."

"Tell me something I don't already know," he says with a laugh.

"Why does everyone think my love life is a joke?"


"Never mind."

"I sent an email to Kenni basically professing my love for her."

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