Chapter 30: Pregnancy Hormones and Foot Rubs

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers. Sorry it's been so long between updates. This chapter is pretty saucy, so you may want to skip it if that's not your thing.

Please keep voting and especially commenting. Your words of encouragement make this all worth while. Enjoy!


Tom and I rejoin the auditions, and we have a solid choice for the female lead by the time we wrap for the day.

We stroll out of the offices as the sun is setting, not caring who sees us holding hands. We arrive at my car, and I start to walk around to the driver's side.

"What are you doing?" Tom asks, walking to my side.

"I'm getting ready to drive us to my place, I guess."

"No, no, no," Tom says, taking the keys from my hand. "You are absolutely not driving. Not in your condition."

His words make me angry, and I hadn't had time to explain the subtleties of pregnancy hormones to Tom yet.

"What? Because I'm pregnant, I'm now incapable of driving?? Or is it because I'm a woman!" I'm fuming at this point while gesturing wildly with my hands. In fact, I'm getting so frenetic that people who are walking to their cars at the end of the workday are starting to stare.

What Tom does next surprises the hell out of me. He smiles and approaches me to whisper in my ear.

"Now, Kenneth. I only don't want you to drive because you're so far gone that if you had an accident, your bump might come in contact with the steering wheel." He kisses my temple and pulls back slightly to look in my eyes. There's a bit of tenderness in his gaze, but there's also a bit of steel. Like he's not going to take any shit from me.

"I know you're a bit out of sorts, so let me help you get into your seat," he says, taking my arm and walking me to the passenger side. He opens the door, and once I'm seated, he says, "Now, fasten your seatbelt, Darling, or do I need to say, 'Pretty fucking please'?" I just stare at him, but I do as I'm told. "Good girl," he says under his breath as he closes my door. He rounds the car and steps into the driver's side, adjusting the seat to accommodate his long legs. Once he's done with all the adjustments, he starts the engine and turns to smile at me.

"Shall we pick up dinner on the way home, or would you like to get something delivered?" he asks, taking my hand in his and squeezing it.

"I... I don't know. Delivery?" I ask hesitantly.

Tom continues to smile at me as he takes the hand he's holding and brings it to his lips. "That sounds wonderful, Love." Then he shifts into drive and starts us on our way to my house.

After we arrive, we order Thai food to be delivered and I change into more comfortable clothes. Tom starts to give me a rash of shit about wearing heels in my condition, but I glare at him until he stops talking. He may be exerting his new-found control as the man in this relationship, but no one comes between a woman and her shoes.

Tom fixes me a cup of camomile tea while we're waiting for our food to arrive. He joins me on the sofa, and I sigh as I lean back into the cushions.

Tom scoots towards me, bending and picking my feet up while swinging me around so they rest in his lap. He begins massaging one, and I groan with pleasure like he's committing the most carnal sex act known to man.

"If I had known this would give you such pleasure, I would have done away with all other forms of foreplay," he says, chuckling at my response.

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