Chapter 32: Leaving and Visitors

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I. Feel. Like. Shit. That's the best way I can describe it. After all, I pushed away the most wonderful fucking man in the world.

Tom has slept in the guest room since our fight. I can't really blame him. After all, my feelings are all over the place, between feeling like Tom is trying to run my life to wanting to give everything I am to him. I know I was a fucking idiot, both for taking the unnecessary risk I did on the night of the premier and for lashing out at Tom. In my heart, I know he just wants to love and take care of Champ and me. Why can't I accept that?

It's our third morning of silence, so I decide to extend an olive branch. "So, I was thinking of shopping for a few things for Champ tomorrow. Would you like to come with?" I ask as we sit at the dining table eating the breakfast Tom has prepared.

Tom looks up from reading news on his tablet. "I can't," is all he says.

"Okaaaay," I say, then continue eating my eggs.

After another moment of silence, Tom sighs. "I can't because I won't be here."


"I won't be here. I'm leaving tonight."

The world seems to shift suddenly to the left, and I find I'm gripping the edge of the table for support. He's leaving me! I think. Tom sees my panic, and he's immediately by my side.

"Kenni, take a breath, Love. I'm not leaving. I just need to make a quick trip to San Francisco for some press. I'll be gone two, maybe three days, tops."

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and to try to hold back the tears that almost burst at Tom's announcement. Tom seems to sense this, too, and he puts his thumb under my chin so I look at him.

"Kenni, I didn't mean to scare you. I did mean what I said the other night, though - a man can only take so much. But...I'm not willing to give up yet. One way or another, we will come to some sort of agreement."

I feel a shiver run up my spine at his words. "What do you mean?"

Tom's look turns a bit steely. "I mean..." His phone rings. Tom looks at it, then sighs. "It's Luke. I need to take this."

"Hello, Luke," he says as he steps away to another room, leaving me with my thoughts.

What did he mean by 'some sort of agreement'? Like a custody agreement? Does he intend to return to London without me? If so, does he plan to make Champ travel half way around the world so we can share her?

My gut twists at the idea of that being Champ's life. Images of things thrown hastily into plastic grocery bags so I could move from Mom's to Sylvie's then back again come to mind. There's no way I want Champ to have the childhood I had. Then another thought occurs.

What if he intends to request primary custody? Oh god, I could lose Champ!

"Bloody hell," Tom says as he re-enters the kitchen. "So, I seems I need to fly out in two hours as Luke has booked another interview for me."

He walks to me and helps me stand from my seat. Once standing, he rubs his hands up and down my arms. "I'm sorry, Kenni. I was hoping we'd be able to discuss a few things today, but it will have to wait." He kisses me on the cheek before turning toward the bedroom to pack.

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