Chapter 33: The Water Works

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A/N: Hello lovely readers. Just a short chapter. I hope you enjoy!


Ben and Hector are laden with groceries and takeout.

"Hello, Dragon Lady. We come bearing gifts," Hector says as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Dragon Lady?" I say.

"That's right. When's the last time you brushed your hair? Or showered?" Hector replies, as he walks into the kitchen. "Or washed dishes? Eeewww!" he continues, pushing dishes aside so he and Ben can put bags on the counter.

Ben puts down the takeout then surveys the chaos. "Okay, we're going to get this cleaned up, young lady. If Tom saw this, he'd not be happy." I shrug at Ben's comment, not really giving a flying fuck what Tom would think. After all, he doesn't even love me anymore.

I shuffle to the sofa, rubbing my belly as it feels really heavy and tight right now. I let Ben and Hector clean and generally get in each other's way. Once the slamming and muttering have ceased, they join me on the sofa. Hector has a takeout container from my favorite Italian restaurant, and Ben has a glass in each hand - one containing water and the other milk. "I wasn't sure which you'd prefer," he says before flopping on the sofa next to me.

"What are you two doing here?"

"What? Can't two men with nothing better to do visit our favorite person?" Hector asks. I eye them both.

"He sent you, didn't he?"

Ben looks uncomfortable at my statement, but Hector maintains his poker face.


"You know bloody well who!" Hector raises an eyebrow at my use of 'bloody'; Ben just chuckles.

I struggle to stand from the sofa, putting the food on the coffee table, suddenly not feeling hungry.

"Well, you can report to his lord and master than I am not abusing his child in utero. I'm being a good girl, eating and whatnot. Now go away."

I walk toward my bedroom, with Ben and Hector in tow.

"Kenni..." Hector says. I turn on him.

"Don't Kenni me! I know he sent you here! What did he think I'd do? Run off with his baby? It's not like I can run from Tom Fucking Hiddleston, the world's golden boy! You tell him if he thinks he's going to take Champ away from me, he's got another thing coming!" Hector and Ben look at each other, clearly thinking I may have lost my mind.

Ben steps toward me, looking like he may want to throttle me.

"Kenni, I do not know what the fuck is going on, but I do know about the other night," he says.

I try to stare him down, but he looks determined.

"You know, I thought you had driven Tom to the edge of sanity when you left him in London, but this takes the cake. He loves you, for the love of god! Why, I'll never know with the way you've been acting!"

I stare at Ben, wanting to continue this conversation but I have the sudden urge to pee.

"I'm going to the bathroom. You two can show yourselves out while I'm gone." I shuffle to the master bedroom's bath and shut the door, barely making it time. As I sit on the toilet, I hear a slight pop from my nether regions. Then, there's a trickle but I know I'm not peeing. My heart races and I try to calm myself. After the leaking stops, I manage to get up, go to the bedroom and put on fresh yoga pants and a t-shirt.

I walk to the living room, praying that Hector or Ben are still here. They are, and Ben turns on me to continue our argument. I hold up a hand to stop him.

"I need one of you to drive me to the hospital," I say.

"Why?" Hector asks, though his horrified expression tells me suspects what's going on.

"My water just broke."

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