Chapter 36: Missing Texts and People

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Kenni's POV

Another hour has passed. "Has Tom texted or anything yet?" I ask after panting and moaning my way through another contraction.

"Nothing yet. I'm sure he's landed by now," Ben replies.

I try not to focus on his absence, instead concentrating on my breathing. Carrie returns to check my progress, so the boys give me some privacy.

"Okay. Things are looking good," she announces. "You're progressing quickly; you're already at six centimeters. Just a little more and it will be epidural time."

She leaves the room, and the boys rejoin me.

"Fuck, Ben! It's almost epidural time!" I say in exasperation.

"Epidural time?!" he says, looking around in a panic like he can find something in the room to stop it.

"Yes! Epidural time!" I respond.

"Oh my god! What the fuck is epidural time?" Hector asks, looking around like Ben for a weapon or shield or something.

"Epidural time means Champ is coming soon," Ben says, finally grabbing his phone from his pocket.

Tom's POV

Thank god I'm on the ground in L.A.  If I weren't, I'm sure I would be in Air Marshals' custody by now.

Luke had called ahead and requested a car for me.  "Bloody fucking hell, Luke! This driver better have driven in the Le Mans," I say to Luke as I exit to find my waiting car.

"Just relax, Tom. He'll get you there in time," Luke says, showing all the patience in the world.

"He better," I growl. "Because if he doesn't, I'll fly straight away to London to pay you a visit." I end the call and realize that there's something very unsatisfying about hitting the End button repeatedly instead of being able to slam down the handset of an old-fashioned phone.

When I spot the driver, I jump into the backseat, never so thankful to see someone. "Thank you so much. UCLA Medical Center, please." I'm trying to calm my nerves, but I honestly think it might be quicker if I put on my trainers and run to the hospital.

"Right away, sir," the driver says, barely putting on his seatbelt before slamming the town car into drive. "Don't you worry. We'll get you there in time," he says in reassurance.

God, I hope so. Please wait for me Champ. Daddy's almost there! I think as I grab my phone to call Ben.

Kenni's POV

Fuckity, fuck, fuck, FUCK! I think, as my contractions seem to get stronger. At this point, I don't care if Tom gets here in time. I just want this baby out of me. Fuck, for all I care, they could grab any English dude to be the father - Simon Pegg, Sean Bean, even Mr. Bean - I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck!

Ben returns to the room and shakes his head. Apparently, he was unable to reach Tom. Hector and Ben both look as if they'd rather be walking through an active volcano with molten lava than here right now, though Ben looks much better.

"Fuck, Ben! Where the fuck is he?" I yell.

"I have no bloody fucking idea!" he yells back.

Just then the door opens. I expect it to be Tom, striding in with a somewhat worried yet confident look to make everything alright. Instead, I get the only other person who I want or need right now - Aunt Sylvie.

I start to cry as soon as I see her. I don't know why. I mean, it's not like she's my mom or anything.

At 5'0", Aunt Sylvie is diminutive. However, one look in her eyes tells you she's a force to be reckoned with. She wasn't always that way, but I think after years of putting up with bullshit boyfriends, she learned to be tough when she needed to be.

"Kendall, sweetheart," she says. At that, I start to cry even harder. "Where's that sweet man of yours?"

I can't answer because I've started sobbing. "He's on his way... we think," Hector replies. I look to him with a questioning look. "Okay, I called her!" he blurts out. When he sees my softening look, he adds, "After all, you wanted her here, didn't you?" I cry even harder, if that is possible. I think I may even be wailing.

Just then, Ben's phone begins to ring. "Tom? Tom!... I can hardly hear you. Hold please," he says as he exits the room.

"Kendall, lovey, you have to calm down. If not for your baby, then for that man of yours. I mean, he'll lose his mind if he finds you in this state," she says. I try to do as she says, balancing my breathing as I know I should, though all I can think of is having Tom here with me now.

Tom's POV

I grab my phone as the car starts to move, and I see I have a missed call. Bloody...bloody...whatever is worse than hell, I think as I see it's a missed call from Ben. I call him back immediately.

"Tom? Tom!" I hear from Ben, but I can also hear Kenni wailing in the background.

"Ben! What's wrong? Please...for the love of god...please tell me Kenni is alright!" I yell. The driver hears my distress and picks up his speed.

"I can hardly hear you. Hold please," Ben says as my heart beats like it may leap out of my chest.

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