Chapter 38: Talks and Revelations

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers! Here is another short chapter of Tom and Kenni's story. I love getting comments, btw!  Enjoy!


My mind is racing trying to recall all the things I read about preterm births when I was first pregnant. I was obsessed with learning everything I could in the first few months. After all the reading, Googling, and YouTubing, I can't remember a damn thing.

"Well, the good news is, your baby is not so preterm that he or she will likely not face any difficulties except perhaps some initial breathing problems," Dr. Patel says. A sense of relief washes over me, and Tom squeezes my hand.

"However..." Dr. Patel continues. Well fuck! I think. Nothing good ever begins with 'however'.

"I need to advise you that there still could be complications. Anything from heart or other major organ issues, to eyesight and hearing, or even development or cognitive problems."

I feel a tear run down my face, and I turn to look at Tom. He smiles at me, trying to put on a brave face, but I see the same fear that I'm feeling.

"Any questions?" Dr. Patel asks. I shake my head, and Tom responds with a flat no. "Okay then, we'll be back to start the epidural shortly."

I turn to look at Tom once the doctor leaves.


He smiles at me. "It will be okay. Everything will be alright," he says, I think as much to himself as to me.

We have no more time for private conversation as the anesthesiologist arrives to begin the epidural. Tom excuses himself with a squeeze of my hand and a quick kiss on my cheek. "It will be alright, Kendall. I promise," he says before leaving the room.

Tom's POV

My words ring in my ears as I leave Kendall. God, please let me be able to keep my promise! I think.

I walk to the waiting room to see Ben, Hector, and Sylvie.

"What's wrong?" Ben asks immediately with a furrowed brow.

"Since the baby is coming early, there could be complications," I say flatly. To be honest, I'm still trying to wrap mind around what the doctor said.

Sylvie stands and takes my hands in hers. "I sorry we haven't met until now, Tom, but I'm glad I can be here to tell you everything is going to be just fine."

I look into her eyes then hug her tightly. It's all I can do to keep from crying as I feel the comfort of her motherly hug. When I pull back, I see nothing but kindness in her eyes.

"She didn't tell you, did she?" Sylvie asks.

"Tell me what?" I ask, searching her face.

"Kenni was a premie, too."

I look at her, speechless. Hector, however, has no problem speaking.

"Get outta town! Kenni was a premie?" he asks. Sylvie simply nods before continuing.

"It's no wonder she didn't tell you. I'm not sure she even knows herself, now that I think of it.

"You see, I met Kenni's mother, Amanda, when she was pregnant. I remember it like it was yesterday. One night when Amanda was about eight months along, her water broke and I rushed her to the hospital, my three kids in tow.

"The doctors scared her, too, telling her that Kenni may be born with problems or even die. Thank god she was born fine, only needing a little oxygen and extra time in the incubator."

Sylvie smiles at me, squeezing my hand in reassurance, then her smile drops.

"Too bad the damage was already done," she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not seeing the bad side of this story.

"Well, you see, the doctors scared Amanda so bad, wondering if Kenni would be okay, that it took something from her. She loved Kenni in the womb just as Kenni has loved Champ. I think the prospect of losing Kenni made Amanda put some distance between them emotionally. She was just never able to show Kenni the love she had when she was pregnant with Kenni. That's why I stepped in as much as I could... You know, knowing that Amanda was broken. I didn't want the cycle to be repeated for Kenni."

For the first time since learning Kenni's story, I feel sympathy for her mother and sorrow that they never had the chance to have a loving mother-child relationship.

"Mr. Hiddleston?" a nurse calls from the waiting area entrance.


"She's ready."

And so am I, I think as I walk to see the two loves of my life.

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