Chapter 17: Kisses and Regrets

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I'm having a great time with Toby. He's smart, funny in a self-deprecating way. He's thoughtful in that he takes all my ideas and questions in, mulls them over, and then responds. He also knows a lot about baseball, so that's a plus since I don't know shit.

"Now, watch the runner on first. He's going to try to steal second." I watch and, as Toby predicts, the runner tries to steal but he's tagged out by the second baseman.

"How does an Englishman know so much about baseball?"

"What, it's not allowed?" He asks, incredulously.

"Well, I think it may violate a treaty from the Revolutionary War, but I guess it's okay."

Toby smiles at me, then he leans in to give me a slow kiss. Though Toby is an actor with more than a few roles under his belt, he's not extremely famous in the States. It's nice to be able to canoodle like this in public and not have pictures taken or fans attack. It's not like it is with Ben or Tom.

Tom... I think of him, and an ache starts in the pit of my stomach. Even with the stares that we would receive, I wish Tom and I could have been a real couple like this, at least just once.

"Are you okay, Sweetheart?" Toby asks.

"Fine. Why do you ask?"

"It's just, you had a frown on your face. And it's much too perfect of a day for a beautiful woman such as yourself to be frowning." Toby kisses the tip of my nose, then turns to watch the game. I smile but I still return to my thoughts.

Maybe I just need to accept that Tom and I aren't meant to be, despite what Hector says. If I can accept that, I'll be able to move on with my life. Maybe. Then, I can dare to think of my life with someone else. Someone like Toby. I turn to look at his profile.

"You know, it's quite rude to stare," Toby says, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"I can't help it. You're very handsome."

"Oh, you," he says, putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him. "Flattery will get you everywhere with me, Sweetheart."

Tom's POV

Ben and I spend the afternoon and evening in his room. He orders room service and agrees to let me borrow a pair of joggers to sleep in, though he's drawn the line at sharing his boxers.

"When you fuck up, Hiddleston, you do it with flying colors," he says, taking a sip of the scotch he's poured for himself and me.

"You know what they say here in the States: Go big or go home."

This elicits a chuckle from Ben. "I'm glad the tragedy that is my life can bring you such enjoyment," I say, a little irritated.

"Are you sure Tobias didn't mention where he was taking Kenni?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"Once again, the answer is no, Tom. He did not. I just know that he picked her up around lunchtime."

I look at my watch. It's 8:30 p.m. now. She should be home.

Kenni's POV

Toby cuts the motorcycle engine as he pulls into my driveway. I have to admit, as apprehensive as I was at getting on the bike, it was really exhilarating.

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