Epilogue: Princesses and Worlds

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A/N: Hello, lovely readers! I know, I know... I've waited far too long to complete Tom and Kenni's story. For those of you who are still with me on this story, thank you for your patience. For those of you who aren't...well, I guess you're not reading this anyway, so...

I hope you enjoy this wrap-up. Please comment and vote if you like it. Cheers!


Katherine Theresa. That's her name. Probably not what you were thinking, but I think it was a brilliant idea of Tom's. You see, K is for Katherine (and Kendall) and T for Theresa (and Tom). We call her KT for short, though I think most people just think it's Katie, which is fine by us. It's our little secret.

As I search our home, I finally discover KT and her father sitting in her room, playing princess tea party. Of course, Tom is in full character, with sparkly colored hair extensions pinned in his hair haphazardly, a tiara, and long pink evening gloves. Don't even ask how we found a pair of gloves to fit his hands - you don't want to know.

"Look, Darling! Mummy has come to join our party!" Tom says with mock excitement. Actually, I think he really is excited, which disturbs me a bit since he knows I hate f...freaking princesses. Yes, I said 'freaking'...unless you have a three year old, don't judge me!

"Are you ready for your birthday party, Baby?" I ask our daughter, making her jump up and start dancing around like some kind of crazed, sugar addled...well, three year old.

"Yes. Yes! YES, MUMMY!!" she yells. Tom stands, and I think he's as excited as KT. He laughs, scooping her up and swinging her around. Tom puts her down, allowing her to do more of her birthday happy dance and steps toward me, taking off the tiara and gloves.

"Did you pick up the princess cake?" he whispers.


"And the tiaras? Did you get enough for everyone?"

"Yes, Babe."

"What about the play swords? You know, for the boys? Because they won't want tiaras, and Christopher and the others will..."


He looks surprised at my outburst, and I take a few calming breaths to check my tone. It's one of the things I've worked on in our relationship - not being so bit...witchy. Also, if truth be told, Tom will only let me go so far on one of my tirades before taking on the alpha role to let me know enough's enough. He's not abusive; it's more likely he'll take me by the shoulders and growl softly, "Now, that's enough, Kendall." I know it shouldn't, but it actually turns me on when Tom does this.

And that's why I'm in the condition I'm in...pregnant again. You see, Tom and I had a little tiff before our first wedding anniversary, something about me planning to work with my new writing team the weekend of said anniversary, and Tom having none of it. Thankfully, Diana had KT so she didn't witness the yelling then the throwing of pillows which turned into a tickle match and finally ended with us making love on the living room floor. Tom hadn't used a condom, and I thought I'd be fine given it was just a couple of days past my period. Well, think again! Tom had even taken to calling me Fertile Myrtle as a joke after we found out until KT reached the stage of repeating everything she heard. It only took one time for her to refer to me as such in front of Diana for Tom to learn his lesson.

"I'm sorry, Babe. I shouldn't have snapped at you," I say, then I whisper, "And I did get the swords."

Tom smiles at me then rubs my swollen belly. "Of course you did, Love. You're the best mum ever," he says before planting a sloppy kiss on my lips. "I shouldn't have stressed you, Kendall. I'm sorry," he whispers before adding, "I'll make it up to you later." He waggles his eyebrows at me as he slides his hand from my stomach to my ass to give it a quick squeeze.

"Mummy! I want to see my fwiends!" KT exclaims, interrupting Tom's wandering hands to take mine, leading me to the stairs and the waiting guests below. Tom follows behind, taking my other hand in his to balance out our pulling toddler.

"You know, we should probably postpone 'make ups' until after the baby's born," I say softly to Tom.


"Because. Since I'm prone to giving birth early, and I only have a month to go, I think those types of shenanigans may put us into early labor again," I say. Our conversation is halted when I see Diana standing at the top of the stairs.

"There you three are! I was sent to find the birthday girl," she says as KT drops my hand and runs to her. I'm pretty sure that KT's love of others goes in this order: 1 Daddy, 2 Grandmum Diana, 3 Christopher (I think she has a little toddler crush on him), 4 Ben (I worry about her choice in men), 5 Hector, 6 the neighbor's cat, then 7 me. It's okay, though. I know I'm first when she's tired, or doesn't feel well, or scared (well, Tom's first for both of us in that instance). All I know is I love her more than I thought it was possible to love, and I know she loves me.

Tom is silent as he stands behind me. When I turn to look at him, he smiling softly. "She's your daughter, you know," he says.

I smirk at him. "Nuh uh. There's no way you're pinning that on me. She definitely your daughter," I say. Tom steps toward me and wraps me in his arms.

"You know, when she and I play, or we watch one of her cartoons, or I read to her, do you know what she always says?" he whispers.

"No. What?" I ask, breathing in his scent.

"She says, 'I love Mummy. Do you love Mummy, Daddy?'"

"And how do you respond?" I ask. He says, "I tell her that I do love Mummy. I love her because she takes care of us. She feeds us, and makes sure we're dressed properly before going out, and she tucks us in at night."

"And that's why you love me?" I ask, leaning back to look at him. Tom smiles his shy smile, then whispers, "I love you because you've made me whole." He rubs my belly before continuing. "And, you continue to make my life more complete with every passing second of every minute of every day. You are my world, Kendall."

"And you are mine, Thomas," I say before he kisses me passionately, then kisses my cheek and nibbles my ear. I push against him before this gets out of hand.

"What did I say about shenanigans?" Tom chuckles then takes on an evil grin.

"But Love, the quicker we have this baby, the sooner we can start working on the next one," he whispers, nibbling my ear again. I push him away then swat his arm. "That's enough, you perv. Now, let's get to our daughter's party," I say as I hear the children getting rowdy.

Tom gives me on last hard kiss before walking down the stairs before me. I can't help but think of what he told KT about why he loves me. Sure, I take care of them...feeding them, tucking them in at night. Maybe I should work harder on the properly dressed part, I think as I snicker, seeing that Tom is still sporting sparkly princess hair extensions as he starts to greet our guests.

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