Chapter 1:WHAT!!!

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Okay this is basically where the actual story is starting, if there are opinions on how I should improve please state them in the comments, please if this story is to your liking please vote,comment and follow me for more
Disclaimer: I do not own fairytail hiro mashima does.

Lucy POV

I had just woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock.

'Buzz buzz buzz'

I lazily lifted my hand slamming it unto the irritating alarm clock, turning it of. I soon got out of bed stretching my arms and walking over to the bathroom to get ready for school. I had then took a shower, brushed my teeth and put on a uniform that consisted of a white button up shirt, a plaid skirt, a yellow vest and some flats with knee high socks after which I just brushed my hair leaving it down.

"Lucy breakfast is ready."I heard my mother call.

"Coming"I responded, lifting my bag over my shoulder.

I went downstairs to reveal my parents seated elegantly around the rectangular shaped dinning table, I walked over there taking a seat beside my mom, starting to eat my food.

"Sweety." She called

"Yes mom?"

"Please wear something elegant this evening."


"We will be going out with some old friends for dinner."she chuckled

"Why are you laughing?"I arched an eyebrow.

"Oh no reason."she smiled, okay now I'm suspicious, what's going on why is she laughing, I turned my head back in front of me leaning back in my chair, only to see my dad snickering.

"Okay what's going on, you guys are acting weird?"I asked

"It's nothing really me and your mom just remembered something."my dad said, I sighed watching as my parents snickered in front of me causing my nerves to boil.

After finishing my breakfast I got up walk to the door.

"Lucy would you like Capricorn to drive you."I heard my mom ask.

"No thanks I'm fine."I replied, while starting to walk out the door.

Time skip at school

I had finally reached my destination,school, which I was not very excited for, still recalling the events that took place this morning, why were my parents acting so weird, my trade of thoughts were distracted as I bumped into someone.

"Watch it."the person said, I looked up to see, natsu, the schools bad boy and player.

I clutched my books closer to my chest.

"Sorry."I whimpered looking at the ground,he just pushed past me walking away, 'rude much' I thought walking through the halls, I soon went to my locker taking out the things needed for my next class.

"Lu-Chan!"I heard someone say,I look to my right to see my best friend levy smiling, I shut my locker.

"Hey levy-chan." I said as we started to walk down the halls.

"Guess what."


"Gajeel asked me out on a date."

"Omg I am so happy for you, you finally got your crush huh?"I laughed, she blushed.

"It's not funny."

"To me it is," I chuckled, as we walked down the hallway.

"So lu-chan when are you gonna get your crush."she asked with a smug look on her face, I blushed looking away.

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now