Chapter 15:I have my suspitions

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heyyyyyy I have nothing to say so let's get in with the chapter.

Lucy POV

That next day sting was gone he had disappeared, he didn't come to school, he didn't come after me, it was so weird.

Natsu and I still took our precautions, we knew he hadn't gave up for Natsu said that was unlike him, Natsu didn't tell me the history they had and how they knew each other but I wasn't one to push the topic even further.

We were now walking in the halls, side by side hearing snickers among the students as they watched us.

"Don't listen to them alright."I heard Natsu whisper in my ear. A small smile creeped up my face as my cheeks tingled with red.

We walked into our designated class and sat in our seats as the teacher came in and started to teach.

Time skip, some minutes

Half way through the lesson I needed to #1 real bad. I held up my hand waiting for the teacher to notice me.

"What's wrong miss heartfilia?"she asked.

"Can I use the bathroom?"I asked back, she have me a nod and I hurried and walked out of the class into the bathroom. I hurried into one of the stalls quickly emptying my bladder.

When I got out of the stall, I washed my hands and went to the open door but it wasn't working, WHAT THE HELL! I kept pulling on the door but it was jammed, I sighed leaning on the door my eyes closed as I opened them there he was.


a evil grin swiped across his face.

He grabbed my arm harshly making me wince.

"You won't get away from me this time Lucy."he said in a dark husky voice making me scrunch my face up in disgust.

I was in shock, so I did what any other girl would do I screamed louder than any roar of a lion.

Natsu POV

Class just let out I was walking out the door when I used my vampire hearing to pick up a deafening scream, I'm not the only one who heard it others did too but they just shrugged and went along with what they were doing.

I knew it was Lucy's scream I could feel it.

I ran in the direction of the bathroom, and saw Lucy her neck being squeezed by stings hand, he was choking her! I acted quickly and ran up to sting giving him a good punch in the nose, he let go of her and fell over at the sudden contact, I looked at Lucy she was breathing heavily her eyes wide, I looked back at where sting was but he was long gone, he was such a wimp why couldn't he come up and face me like a man.

I looked over at Lucy and pulled her into my chest, her breathing still heavier than six 100 lbs weights.

"It's okay Lucy."I muttered softly as I ran my hand through her hair, her soft blonde hair. "It's okay now Lucy I'm here."I muttered once more.

Time skip, after school.

Lucy POV

We were now back at the safe house, I was there lying in our bed thinking. I thought he was gone never to return, I'm so stupid, to think he would give up, that's a dream world that doesn't exist. I sighed pulling my knees to my chest, it was so frustrating, why the hell wouldn't he leave me alone, what does he want with me anyway, it's not like I'm some diamond or any money, why doesn't he find some other girl to bang.

"Luce."I heard Natsu mutter, I sat up looking at him, he came sitting beside me on the bed, I look looked him in the eye, all my worries melting away, it was like a trance an alternate world where there was only us it was awesome. I looked down at his lips they were so kissable so that's what I did I kissed him passionately holding the nape of his neck, he pulled away I looked at him disappointed.

"I thought you were sad?" He asked.

"I was."I smirked, kissing him again.

This time he melted into the kiss, my hands around his neck his arms on my waist. He forced his tongue in my mouth and I let out a low moan in pleasure, I lifted his shirt over his head breaking the kiss for a second, but crashing our lips together once more. He kissed down my neck lifting my shirt over my head, kissing my neck finding the sweet spot, I bit my lip, preventing a moan from leaving my lips. He unbuckled my bra squeezing
My F cupped sized breasts as I moaned in ecstasy.

"Natsu~"I moaned.

"Say it again." he demanded between kisses.

"Natsu~."I moaned once more.

"So sexy."he stated as he kissed up my jaw line.

We have come to the end of this chapter, sorry for not showing the whole seen but I was trying to keep It PG-13. Yes they had sex but I am. It showing the whole seen sorry. If you want a lemon there will be one in my new book 'the dark dragon' so please read it. Thank you all I hoped you liked this chapter. And in case your wondering yes my exams are still going on I had to sneak around and write this chapter so please vote comment and follow me for more.

Peace out

Forced to marry a vampire( a nalu fanfiction) [COMPLETED] (currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now